
Monday, October 08, 2007

The Adventures of Waddles: Week 3


  1. Hi Allen,
    Like your site. Do you happen to have any images of the Yogi Bear daily strip/panel? I have lots of Sundays but have yet to find any dailies. Great Herriman posts! Thanks.

  2. Hi Gary -
    Yogi Bear was a Sunday only strip.


  3. Wasn't there a short-lived Yogi Bear daily panel?

  4. Never seen it if there was. A listing showed up in E&P for a daily panel in 1963, but seems to have been a misprint since in that year the Sunday was not listed. Fairly common occurrence in the E&P listings.


  5. I stumbled on the daily panel, which started on Dec 3rd in at least three papers I could find on NewspaperArchive and Google Newspaper. I am getting as many of them together and will try out to see when it ended. So far the latest was from September 1963.

  6. Hi Ger --
    I should have come back and posted here earlier. The daily ran 10/12/62 - 10/14/63 based on the LA Times.


  7. And here I thought I had found the earliest one, because of the announcement in the same paper on Dec 2. I guess I'll have to dig deeper. My latest, by the way, is one from October 26. With a very odd repeat catoon on Oct 9 (with a changed date from Dec 12 1962).

  8. Hi Ger -
    What paper has it running that late?

    Alberto Becattini has suggested to me that the daily may have run as late as 1965 or even later. I've not found any proof for that so far. They certainly weren't advertising its existence in E&P!


  9. The paper I used for these later samples was the Lawton Constitution. Upon lookingfor this I found another paper carrying these last weeks, the Idaho State Journal - which also seems to have stopped at Oct. 26th.
