
Monday, September 03, 2012

Labor Day Lunacy: Stripper's Guyed

Today we strippers does all the laughing, and Cole Johnson, registered lunatic, does all the labor:


  1. Should've saved that for April Fool's Day!!!

    That was LOL!!!

  2. "Krudd's" work is better than more than half of what's running in papers these days (yes, I decided to be charitable).

    And am I the only one who thinks "Children's Hate Mail to God" should be syndicated immediately?

  3. Yes, you must be.

  4. Mark Johnson9/03/2022 10:57 PM

    Hello all-
    It's been ten years today that this little masterpiece by my brother was posted. It's still funny, hope it always shall be. Just noticed this today, that Krudd's birthplace here is "Baby Huey, Pa.", but I have the original artwork, and it started out as "Babi Yar, Pa." so I guess Cole, who obviously wouldn't let such trifles as good taste get in the way of a good gag line, so I can only surmise that the Huey option seemed funnier to him, but maybe it would've been too strong to place so early in the piece.
