
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Mystery Strips of E&P -- Letter 'R'

The following features were all listed in the Editor & Publisher annual Syndicate Directory listings. Problem is that I have not been able to find these features running in any American newspaper. I'm looking for positive proof that (1) these features did indeed exist, (2) they are actually comics of some sort and weren't just mislabeled in E&P, and (3) they ran in U.S. newspapers. If you have any information about a mystery strip on this list please, please, please tell me all about it. And if you can provide positive proof that the mystery feature did indeed run in U.S. newspapers (a tearsheet -- that is, an actual clipping from a newspaper or a copy thereof -- is proper proof) and qualifies for listing in the Stripper's Guide index, you can be the recipient of a goodie box chock full of all manner of comic strip ephemera -- reprint books, old tearsheets, magazines, even original art find their way into my goodie boxes. Trust me that my goodie boxes do not disappoint! (SORRY - as of 2018 goodie boxes are sadly no longer available - I now live in Canada and our postal rates are so outrageous that I cannot afford to send out goodie boxes - SORRY!)

If you prefer to contact me privately rather than posting a comment on the blog, send it to Please be sure to mention Stripper's Guide in your subject line or I may miss your message in amongst all the spam.

Here are the mystery features starting with letter "R". Each listing has the title, years advertised, creator(s), syndicate and format. Sorry, I'd put these in a more attractive tabular form, but Blogger plays havoc with tables:

Radio Bugs, 1925, E.C. Dunkel, Readers Service, daily panel
Radiolaffs, 1925, Jo Fischer, Audio Service, daily panel
Rags 'n Muffins, 1939, Joe E. Buresch, Newspaper Art Features, daily/Sunday panel
Recess Set, 1970, Walt Buchanan and Mary-Ann Hill, Hopkins Syndicate, daily panel
Reck Romance, 1966, Nino Perez and Dick Scalone, Newsday, daily panel
The Record Book, 1970, William Feld, Stuyvesant Syndicate, weekly panel
Red Diamond, 1945, Don Moore, Raymond Doherty, daily strip
Red Pepper, 1951-54, Audavee Bransford, Atlas Features, weekly strip (Found! by Mike DeLisa in Indian Valley Record)
Red Pepper, 1974, Pat Anderson, self-syndicated, weekly strip
Reddickulous, 2003-?, David Reddick, Seriocomics, daily/Sunday panel
Albert T. Reid Cartoons, 1925-29, Albert T. Reid, Bell Syndicate/self-syndicated, daily/weekly panel (probably political cartoons; yes, says Ray Bottorff who has found them in a few papers)
Reincarnations of Eve, 1925, Frank Ellis, Register & Tribune Syndicate, weekly panel (found! by Ray Bottorff in Des Moines Register; questionable because text heavy, but I'm listing it in SG)
The Reporter, 1971, Bill Ryan and Ed Valtman, Gannett News Service, thrice-weekly panel (found! by Ray Bottorff in Ithaca Journal and other papers)
Retirement Is..., 1974,Eugene Carr, National Newspaper Syndicate, daily panel
Retread, 1995, Tom Nast, Avanti News Features, weekly
Reuben, 1979-80, Byron Vaughn, self-syndicated, daily panel
Rev., 1985-86, Nick Hobart, United Cartoonist Syndicate, daily
The Revolutionaries, 1973, John R. Kock, Spadea Syndicate, daily strip
Rib, 1986-88, Mike Paulson, Extra Newspaper Features, weekly strip
Ribbets, 1978, David Ball, Trans World News Service, daily strip
Ricky's Little People,1986-87, Ricky Barrera, United Cartoonist Syndicate, daily
Ride 'em Cowboy, 1939, Joe Buresch, Miller Features, daily strip
Riff McTic, 1967-69, Alex Crosby, Editorial Board Syndicate, daily strip
Riff Raff, 1976-77, Ed Wilkins, Trans World News Service, weekly panel
Riggin' Bill, 1937, Fred Schwab, Harry A Chesler, daily/Sunday strip
Ring Rongs, 1932-34, Leonard Merrill, Thompson Service, daily/weekly panel
Rink Brody, 1946, H.D.Williams, Ledger Syndicate, daily strip
Rip Tide, 1959-72, Frances Herron and Jerry Grandenetti, Columbia Features, daily/Sunday strip
The Ripoffs, 1978, George Hartman, Richard Lynn Enterprises, daily strip
Rita, 1981, P.I.B., United Press International, daily panel
Road to Adventure, 1965, Ray Golabiewski, Alex S. Arnott, daily/Sunday panel
Robert R.N., 1990-98, Joe Genovese, American International Syndicate, daily panel
Robots, 1935, Victor A. Brown, Thompson Service, daily strip
Rocky, 1980-81, Joseph Parkolay, Dickson-Bennett Features, weekly strip
Rocky Reach, 1948, Ed Finch, Globe Syndicate, daily strip
Rod Craig, 1949, Sydney Miller, Reuters, daily strip (Australian strip -- did it ever run in U.S.?)
Rodney, 1963, N. Norton, B.P.Singer, daily panel
Rodney, 1985-86, John Viola, United Cartooonist Syndicate, daily
Roger and his Pal, 1939, Pete DeAngelo,Waltan Features, daily strip
Roger Kaputnik, 1992-200?, Dave Berg, Whitegate Features, daily/Sunday strip
Rojo the Red Lobster, 1991-97, Elaine Sandra Abramson, Create-a-Craft, daily/Sunday strip
Romanticats, 1998-200?, Elaine Sandra Abramson, A&A, daily/Sunday strip
Ronda on the Telephone, 1984, Ed Heckman, Dickson-Bennett Features, daily panel
Room & Board, 1978, G.A. Bennett, R-GAB, daily strip
Roosty Roosty, 1941, Charles Bowers, Bell Syndicate, weekly strip
Roscoe, 1982-86, Goddard Sherman, Dickson-Bennett Features, daily strip
Rose Riley, 1935, Vaywor, uncredited, daily strip
A Round A Day, 1965-68, Eugene Craig, Dispatch Features, daily/Sunday panel
Roundo, 1946-50, Don G. Moore and Michael Shay, Midwest Syndicate, weekly panel/daily strip (I think all Midwest features are for advertising)
Rube From Trube, 1976-78, Phyllis Maxwell, Trans World News Service, daily strip
Rube The Boob, 1934-48, Ralph Matz, self-syndicated, daily strip
Ruby of Pun Kalab, 1939, C. David Vormelker, Jolyon Features, daily strip
Rudy, 1977, Doug Borgstedt, Copley News Service, daily panel (found! by Jeffrey Lindenblatt in Philadelphia Inquirer)
Rudy Bear, 1980-81, Bob McFerren, Dickson Features, daily panel
Rudy and Judy, 1946, R.S.Matz, Unique Features, daily strip
Rural Route, 1959-67, Walter Ball, Toronto Star Syndicate, weekly strip (Canadian feature -- was it successfully syndicated in the U.S.?)
Ruth & Roxy, 1939, Chenoweth and Rhymer, Publishers Syndicate, daily/weekly strip


  1. Aren't you going to do E&P MYSTERY STRIP entries for the letters S,T,U,V,W,X,Y, and Z?

  2. Is it possible this is picked up again and finished?

  3. Albert T. Reid cartoons show up in The Frankfort Index (Frankfort, Kansas), Tuesday, April 26, 1927, page 2, where he joins the staff, so his stuff is being produced so need to see if it shows up in other papers too:

    my best
    -Ray Bottorff Jr

  4. Same article, without the cartoon, in the Ridgewood Herald-News (Ridgewood, New Jersey), also Tuesday, April 26, 1927, page 9, he "joins the staff" here too:

    He is with other newspapers in, including the same article showing up in The Crete Vidette, Crete, Nebraska, Thursday, May 5, 1927, page 4.

    No indication of a syndicate, so self-syndicated seems likely. And they are editorial cartoons, a bunch of them in The Salem Post and The Democrat-Bulletin, Wednesday, July 27, 1927, page 6:

    my best
    Ray Bottorff Jr

  5. I keep running into more stuff about Reid, he was questioned by the Federal Trade Commission in 1928 for accepting money from Utilities for doing work for them while running his own syndicate work (and questioned whether his editorial work was influenced by them).

    The article gives details on his Syndicate:

  6. Reincarnations of Eve appears in The Buffalo Times (Buffalo, New York), Sunday, May 24, 1925, page 11 in the Sunday Features Section. I don't think it qualifies as a comic strip based on this example, large cartoonish drawing over a narrative text, so more like a picture book story in a newspaper.
    and following Sunday:

  7. Found The Reporter, Port Huron Times Herald (Port Huron, Michigan), Monday, February 1971, front page:
    and the panel on page 4:

    It is in other newspapers during 1971 per, Camden Courier-Post (Camden, New Jersey), Chambersburg Public Opinion (Chambersburg, Pennsylvania), and Yonkers The Herald Statesman (Yonkers, New York).

  8. A Round A Day, looks like it was an editorial cartoon per this article in The News-Messenger (Freemont, Ohio), Tuesday, April 20, 1965, probably in the Columbus Dispatch, where he was in 1965?

  9. Hey Allan,

    I know your lists haven't gotten to S-Z yet, but I have an update to an S strip which is also listed as a T strip.

    The Sporty Ones by Courtney Alderson, a.k.a. This Is Sport? appears as This Is Sport? in the Willoughby News Herald (Willoughby, Ohio) in 1968 ( and in 1969 ( both of which seem to fall outside of the self-syndicated years (Court Features, 1958-1964) and the Al Smith Service years (1978-1981). Alas, I do not have a sub for newspaperarchive to read the syndicate info, if any, on the panels.

    There is even a little bio of him and his time in the Redlands (

    my best
    -Ray Bottorff Jr

  10. Mark Johnson1/22/2022 3:34 PM

    Here's an "R"; THE REASON WHY by HEATH is a one panel characterless gag panel. "Heath" may be a nome de plume. It's apparently an International entry, often seen somewhere near "Scoop". Earliest seen: Buffalo Evening News 27 October 1913 Latest seen Amsterdam Evening Recorder 3 August 1914.

  11. The Reason Why is listing #5286 in my book. Heath is Archie B. Heath.


  12. Mark Johnson3/16/2022 8:50 PM

    Here's a possible "S":
    "Sandy Sleighfoot" by Jim Unwin. McNaught. Daily. Runs 8 January to 24 December 1962. (Beaver County Times,((Beaver, Penna.))
    In 1961, there was a short-run Christmas series with this character, he's a giant footed kid that looks after Santa's Reindeer,and in this extended series he meets a bunch of wacky characters and animals, sort of a mashup of King Aroo and Pogo. Obviously it didn't get many clients, and the storyline ended suitably enough, by getting back to the North Pole just in time to help Santa on his rounds.
    It's as if somehow it had to be seen whether a Christmas special could sustain a series. Sort of like making a book based on a greeting card, or a feature film based on a commercial.

  13. You're guessing right, Mark. Sandy Sleighfoot went on after the Xmas special to graduate to a regular daily strip -- never a big seller, but it was offered for years. Maybe for next Christmas I'll see if I have a full run print run of the Xmas strip.


  14. I think that I have the actual print plates for the Sandy Sleighfoot comic strip. What should I do with them?
