
Wednesday, December 03, 2014

A Trove of Specialty Drawings, Part 3 of 4

Please see Mondays post for the story behind this large collection of cartoonist specialty drawings. On day three, we continue with more humor cartoonists:

A glorious drawing of the Bringing Up Father gang by George McManus

Believe it or not, both Katzenjammer Kids/Captain and the Kids cartoonists, Rudolph Dirks and Harold H. Knerr, appeared in the booklet

Edwina Dumm's Cap Stubbs and Tippie

The cast of Jimmy Murphy's Toots and Casper

Paul Webb's Mountain Boys

R.B. Fuller's Oaky Doaks

Crockett Johnson's Mr. O'Malley from Barnaby

Donald and Mickey from Walt Disney Productions (Disney expert Alberto Becattini says the artist is Hank Porter)

Dudley Fisher's Myrtle
Fontaine Fox's skipper from Toonerville Folks


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cartoonists seem to have a tradition of doing things like this. I recall many strips doing each others' characters once. They all know each other and have a great camaraderie.

  3. I'm amazed that so many of these strips were already ancient in 1949! And has any strip ever been more beautifully drawn than "Bringing Up Father"?
