
Friday, December 16, 2016

Wish You Were Here, from R.F. Outcault

Here's another Outcault card, this one sporting a delightful drawing and issued in 1904 by Tuck. The completely blank back on this one may indicate that it was truly intended as a Valentine's Day card, rather than a postcard as such.

1 comment:

  1. Allan and Alex, I hope you might have some answers about a long lost TV show that featured Harry Hershfield, Rube Goldberg, Russell Patterson and Otto Soglow. The TV show was MANHATTAN SAFARI aired on WNET on November 28, 1941 and was apparently 10 minutes long. A blog about old TV shows called TV Obscurities is looking from some information.

    I thought considering the cast of cartoonists you might know something about the show.

    Here is the link to the article
