
Friday, April 07, 2017

Wish You Were Here, from Dr. Seuss (?)

This unsigned postcard sure looks like the work of Dr. Seuss to me. That face is about as Seussian as it comes, IMHO. I find no info online, though, saying that Geisel did any postcard work, so maybe the manufacturer appropriated a drawing of his?

This postcard was "Made in U.S.A by E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee Wisc., with code on the back "HJY #29203. I'm guessing it dates from the 1930s, but it is unused and there is no copyright date on it.


  1. I dunno. The text is certainly far below Seussian standards, and I would have guessed a more odd-monster like design for the creature. Opinions can vary, of course.

  2. Not by Seuss. Way too crude. Probably influenced by him, though.

  3. Yep, this is definitely not Seuss.
