
Friday, September 29, 2017

Wish You Were Here, from Albert Carmichael

Here's an interesting pair of postcards; the first is from Taylor Pratt & Co.'s Series 569 of 1910, the second is from their Series 571 copyrighted 1911. Somehow I assumed that the monocolor cards were generally produced by lesser manufacturers, but here we have the color card maker also doing the el cheapo gray wash card. Wonder if there was a price difference when purchased off the rack?

1 comment:

  1. MARK JOHNSON9/29/2017 10:54 PM

    Carmichael could really be hideous. That can't be a foot- legs don't end square in the centre of a flat iron, do they? I suppose they use the one-legged storks just for use in lame gags. The melted monstrosity face on the guy looks like inspiration for Basil Wolverton.
    Critiqueing aside, I have seen this cheapo repro arrangement sometimes in my old post card collecting days. My assumption is that the company might indeed make two versions, a half cent for the black and white one, a penny for full color. (Most cards of any type were black and white.) Also, an older design might merit a black and white reissue later. (Notice here that the later version has motion lines added to the hat and cane.)

    In the Post Card fad era, there were so many new designs constantly appearing, few were rerun. There didn't seem to be "old standards" or perennials. Guess this one was good enough to do twice, but it's unusual.
