
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Announcement: Stripper's Guide Needs Some Recovery Time

Hello Stripper's Guide readers, your host Allan Holtz here. I live in Nova Scotia, and though we didn't get the news play that the Bahamas did, Hurricane Dorian did quite a number on us. 80% of the province was without power for awhile, and we out in the hinterlands of the Annapolis Valley didn't get power back until Thursday evening. That's six days with no power and no water. Luckily our property wasn't damaged other than a few big tree limbs down, which is pretty doggone lucky considering the wind speed at times was topping 90 mph.

Although Stripper's Guide posts have been showing up here every day as normal, that's because we try to maintain a backlog of at least a couple weeks worth in the pipeline, and they've been posted automatically. I haven't been able to create new content since last Friday, and now the backlog is almost gone. I also have a lot of clean-up work to do around the property to get things back to normal. Therefore I'm going to put the blog on hiatus. We'll be back to our regular programming on September 28. See you then!


  1. Hope some of the linemen here in Maine came over to help out!

  2. I'm told Maine sent a lot of help, for which many thanks.

  3. Sorry to hear about this, I've have been in hurricanes and the recovery afterwards, so I know how hard it is. Glad to hear no major damage for you. Hope cleaning up go smooth.

    Steven R

  4. Mark Johnson9/16/2019 5:49 PM

    Hello Allan- You're very fortunate to have avoided worse damage, I know what furious high winds can do, and what it is to go through. It's like being caught on an active battlefield.
