
Friday, February 28, 2020

Wish You Were Here, from J. Murry Jordan

J. Murry Jordan was known for his fine picture postcards, specializing in U.S. and Caribbean views. However, he was not above publishing cards of a more risque variety, featuring, heaven help us, stockinged ankles brazenly displayed in public. Get the smelling salts!

Normally we wouldn't debase ourselves here at Stripper's Guide by showing such smut, but in this one, which isn't even a photo, or if so is very heavily retouched, he steals Fred Opper's Alphonse and Gaston characters. So, you see, we really have no choice in the pursuit of full disclosure of cartooning history.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Johnson2/28/2020 2:50 PM

    Hello Allan-
    I'm sure the brazen lack of femininity on display here is just a sort of symbolic stand-in for it. I've been quite surprised what the actual French could get away with. The term "French Postcards" is a now fading one that referred to those of an erotic nature, anywhere fom unclothed girl poses to outright pornography. The most shocking part of this is, some pretty raunchy ones are found postally used!

    It would seem, as no copyright citing a licence to use these characters is seen, that Mr. Jordan was helping himself to them without permission.
