
Sunday, January 02, 2022

Wish You Were Here, from Charles Dana Gibson


Here's a Charles Dana Gibson card from the British postcard firm, Henderson and Sons. Others that I've seen are numbered, but this one isn't. It features one of Gibson's more famous cartoons, "The Expert." The expressions on the three subjects make this a real tour-de-force.


  1. Katherine Collins1/02/2022 1:33 PM

    Wonderful! Gibson's art is usually much better than his subject matter, but not here.

  2. Any idea what it is trying to say?

  3. Mark Johnson1/03/2022 12:18 AM

    It would seem, judging by the expressions, that Mr. is anxiously waiting for Cupid to relay his opinion of what is in the heart of Miss, (vis-à-vis HIM)and though her expression is oblivious, Cupe's would imply an unfavorable outcome for Mr.
    The allegory is Cupid is a heart specialist, or, expert, like a doctor,and using a stethescope makes the connection.
    Weren't the Victorians precious?

  4. Thanks Mark. That makes a lot more sense when you put it that way. Interesting look into the minds of another era.
