
Sunday, February 13, 2022

Wish You Were Here, from F.R. Morgan



This postcard is by F.R. (Fred Royal) Morgan. The maker of this series of cards is anonymous, but they did code each card; this one is A-493. In Morgan's 'hobo series' (the only series I know he produced) are lots of standard hobo gags, but I confess I really don't get this one. Is it that this hobo has gone above and beyond the call of duty, thus a hero, by stealing a prodigious amount of food from somewhere?


  1. He saved the food from the fire, isn't it?

  2. Mark Johnson2/13/2022 12:35 PM

    It would seem it's sarcasm; the hobo's actions mock the fireman's. The smoke eater is called a hero for saving the girl from a fire, he is selfless,heroic. The 'bo saves the eats from the same conflagration because he is selfish, a looter.
    So Mr. Morgan finds comic irony in casting his actions on par with the firemen.
