
Saturday, October 01, 2022

Herriman Saturday: April 27 1910


April 27 1910 -- Herriman notes the 'blue flu' happening around L.A., people taking the day off to go see Jack Johnson train for the upcoming Fight of the Century.


  1. Katherine Collins10/01/2022 11:24 AM

    Reading this endlessly suspenseful saga, here om StrippersGuide, I became overwhelmed by curiosity about who would win. Then one day, I realised that the fight had already happened, 112 years ago! So I looked it up, and now I know. But I will not reveal it here, in case anybody's laying bets.

  2. Since I was wondering, I looked it up. Jack Johnson had "Li'l Artha" as one of his nicknames, inspired by his middle name which was Arthur. Cartoonist Tad Dorgan gave him that nickname.
