
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Wish You Were Here, from Walt Munson


Here's a Walt Munson postcard that has the travel trailer craze as its subject. Traveling with a tow-behind trailer became popular in the 1920s, and only gained in popularity for the next 50 years or so. The practice finally started to lose popularity when the price of gas made it an uneconomical way to vacation. This card, postmarked 1942, would definitely be a pre-war printing, as travel trailers were pretty much put in mothballs during World War II. 

This card also has been customized for (or by) a locality, the small town of Shreve Ohio. Although no maker is credited, my guess is that it is a Krupp card, as the reverse looks like their design.

Since Munson's cards tend to have adult themes, I'm wondering if the lady, whose hubby is nowhere to be seen amongst this gang of kids, is making something more than a neighbourly offer to the gentleman, more like an invitation to take over as the head of the family. The fellow seems appropriately flabbergasted at the idea.


  1. Mark Johnson4/16/2023 12:11 PM

    Hello Allan-
    The man is her husband; you will notice that he does not have a jacket on, as a stranger or fellow that doesn't belong to the household would, and obviously, there is no other man seen. In a one-scene gag, there is no time for a backstory or possible alternate interpretations, everything must be in as archtypical form as possible.
    The point of this gag is that mother is talking about more children to father. The gag line is a oftening up phrase she's using to lead into telling him she's once again in a family way.

  2. Mark Johnson4/16/2023 12:13 PM

    sorry- SOFTENING UP phrase.
