Friday, November 11, 2016


Wish You Were Here, from Dwig

Here's a Dwig postcard from 1909, copyrighted by R. Kaplan and marked Serie No. 55 on the reverse. This is a very fancy card with gold ink and embossing. It sports a nice clever gag and a gal showing an absolutely scandalous amount of leg for 1909. Our gypsy girl is also showing acres of bare skin up top making me wonder if she has anything on behind that sandwich board.

There was a whole series of Fortune Teller cards by Dwig, and they all show gypsy girls dressed awfully racy for the period. This gal I think takes the prize for most bare skin though. I find it hard to believe these were on display at the local five and dime.


Maybe they weren't sold at the family-friendly five and dime, but at cigar stores or other "stag" establishments. Just a guess.
And the rhyme indicates it was meant to be given to a lass!
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