Saturday, April 15, 2006


Mystery Strips of E&P - "G" Listings

More mystery strips, today the letter G.

G. Whiskers - Geoffrey Foladeri - Press Alliance - daily strip - 1940-58 (found! by Cole Johnson in NY Post, SF Chronicle, New Hampshire's L'Avenir Nationale)
Galloping Galaxies - Lillian Bono - self-syndicated - weekly strip - 1983-84
G.R.A.B. - David Dunning, Sally Wilson - self-syndicated - weekly panel - 1978-79
Gabby Flynn - Ken Ernst - Watkins Syndicate - weekly strip - 1939
Gabe & Loki - Ross Bunch - Centurion Press - daily strip - 1972-78
The Games Afoot, The Sherlock Holmes Crime Scene Chronicle - Howard Bender, Jack Harris - Singer Media - 1996-2003 (Ray Bottorff Jr. reports that Bender says it never sold in the US, just in Europe)
Garden State Digest - Gar Schmitt - self-syndicated - weekly panel - 1969
Gargoyle And Gadget - E.B. Sullivan - National Newspaper Syndicate - daily strip - 1936-45
General Friendship - McCann & Tepper - United Feature Syndicate - Sunday strip - 1946
Generation Gap - Kennison Keene - Community & Suburban Press - weekly panel - 1971 (found! in Nashua Reporter)
Geographic Oddities - Leon A. Dickinson - Queen Features - weekly panel - 1939
George - George Wolfe - Al Smith Service - weekly panel - 1969
George And Jacques - Adrian Raeside - Miller Services - daily strip - 1979 (Charles Brubaker asked Raeside about this strip, turns out in ran only in the Toronto Star, thus doesn't qualify for Stripper's Guide indexing)
Georgi - Sharaga Caltoon - American Internation Syndicate - weekly strip - 1992-94
Geraldine - Mike Rose - Atlas Features - weekly strip - 1951-59
Geriatrix - Paul Norris, Lyle Swigart - Copley News Service - weekly panel - 1978-85 (existence verified by DD Degg in Oswego County Messenger - thanks DD!)
Gerties Gig - Suzanne Farrow - LA Times Syndicate - daily panel - 1976 (found! by Ray Bottorff Jr. in Ventura County Star, but it is a later self-syndicated version. Still looking for an LA Times version)
The Ghost Rider - Stanley Matz - self-syndicated - daily strip - 1939
Ghoulsville - Peter Garvey - Trans World News - daily panel - 1976
Giggle Gags - Cecil Danner - Paramount Syndicate - daily panel - 1938
The Gilmore Brothers' Music Scene - Douglas and Keith Gilmore - Telstar - weekly strip - 1975 Miscategorized -- was a text column feature. Thanks Ray Bottorff Jr!
Ginger - Gene McNerney Jr - Watkins Syndicate - daily strip - 1936
Ginger Blue - Al Carreno - Al Smith Service - weekly strip - 1954 Found! by JohnAdcock in Hory County News
Gino - Gene Machamer - self-syndicated - daily panel - 1982-91
Girl About Town - Melisse - United Feature Syndicate - daily panel - 1936
Glamorettes - Woody Kimbrell - General Features - daily panel - 1950
Gleeb - Paul Lowney - Copley News Service - weekly panel - 1981-85 FOUND! by D.D. Degg in Oswego County Messenger
Glombo - Glen Sherman - Humor Books Syndicate - daily strip - 1995-96
Going Down - Leonard Bruce - Leoleen-Durck Creations - daily strip - 1982-92
Going West -Frank Thomas - Al Smith Service - weekly strip - 1951-54 (aka Hossface Hank?)
Goldbrick & Company - Tom Gibb - Exmark News Service - weekly strip - 1980
The Golden Age - Robert Hoover - Dispatch Features - thrice weekly panel - 1968-74
Golden Spurs - W. O'Forest - Jones Syndicate - Sunday strip - 1940
Goo-Gags - Pat Pending - King Features Syndicate - daily panel - 1926
The Good Old Days - Walter Schwimmer - Feature Sales Syndicate - daily panel - 1938
Goodbyland - Charles Biro, George Nagle, Bob Wood - ? - Sunday strip - 1937-38
Goofy Golf - H.C. Weagant - King Features Syndicate - daily panel - 1926 (found! in Port Arthur News)
Goomer - Nacho & Ricardo - Creators Syndicate - daily and Sunday strip - 1992
Gopher Hole Gazette - Evans - Harper Features - weekly panel - 1934 (turned out to be an illustrated column and thus not eligible for SG listing)
Grace And Looie - Al Wiseman - LA Times Syndicate - daily panel - 1966,73
Gramps - Patrick Rice - American Way Features - daily strip - 1987
Grandfather Clause - Chris Wright - Creators Syndicate - daily and Sunday strip - 2000-01 FOUND! existence verified by Charles Brubaker; thanks Charles!
Grandpa Noah - Gus Edson - Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate - weekly strip - 1955 (verified - replaced Cousin Juniper as topper to The Gumps)
Great Little Lovers - Grace Drayton - DP Syndicate - weekly strip - 1926
Great Moments - Dick Leahy - Continental News Service - weekly strip - 1995-present
The Great Pierre - Marc Swayze - Bell Syndicate - daily strip - 1956 (DD Degg says Swayze in Alter Ego article said the strip never sold)
Green Force Five - Osvaldo Blanco, Miguel Repetto, Alfredo Grassi - King Features Syndicate - daily strip - 1985-87
Green Scene - Pat Hines - Richard Lynn Enterprises - daily panel - 1978
Greenhouse Effect - Jeff Barfoot - Paradigm-TSA - daily and Sunday strip - 1999
Greenwood - Keith M. Manzella - self-syndicated - daily and weekly strip - 1988-94
Greg-Jim Humorous Adventures - Gregory Clarke, Jim Frise - Star Newspaper Service - weekly - 1938-40 (apparently a text story series with illustration, and therefore not eligible)
Grimes the Butler - Joe Busciglio - Publishers Feature Service - weekly panel - 1946-49 (found by Ray Bottorff Jr. in a number of papers but turns out it is a syndicated ad strip -- see comments below -- oh, and it seems to have pretty much run its course in 1946-47)
Gripes And Grins - Lin Streeter - Associated Newspapers - daily panel - 1945 (found! by Ray Bottorff Jr. in Tacoma News-Tribune and a few others)
Ground Zero - Tim Haggerty - United Feature Syndicate - daily and Sunday strip - 1987 (Found! in LA Times)
Grumps - Roger Price - Manson Western Syndicate - daily panel - 1976
Guess Who - William Feld - Stuyvesant Feature Syndicate - weekly panel - 1970
Gully Foyle - Reginald and Stanley Pitt - Ledger Syndicate - Sunday strip - 1967-71 (Art Lortie and Steven Rowe both say it was never successfully sold - case closed!)
Gunther - John Roman - McNaught Syndicate - daily strip - 1980-81


Marc Swayze spent a few of his columns
in Alter Ego magazine last year telling
the tale of The Great Pierre. The end
result was that it never did get
syndicated. He showed quite a few
samples of the strip in those issues.
I've got photocopies of Wiseman's "Grace And Looie" panels (and also his "Chameleon" strips). Quite a drop in quality from his "Dennis the Menace" comics. He really needed to hire a gag writer. Don't know if either actually ran in newspapers though.
Hi Bill -
Do the copies give any clues as to whether they were made from a newspaper, original art or proofs? It's usually pretty obvious.

If they appear to be from a newspaper (and I agree with that assessment) then they constitute proof. Can you send me copies or email pics? If you do, be sure to send your address so I can send you a goodie package!

Greg-Jim Adventures (1938-1940) Star Newspaper service.

This must have been in The Star Weekly, a weekend supplement available across Canada. I could not find any in the daily newspapers. Gregory Clarke was a well known columnist and apparently a friend of James Frise (1891-1948) since he wrote a memoir about Frise with an introduction by Gordon Sinclair (also a poplar columnist and TV personality) titled FRISE in 1965.

Frise's strips began in 1921 as Life's Little Comedies, became Bird's Eye Centre and then Juniper Junction
Stumbled upon "Geriatrix" by Paul Norris and Lyle Swigert.
Go to
and search for Geriatrix.
You should come up with the Oswego County Messenger of 1981 -1984. Notice the copyright on the panels don't match the paper's dates; they seem to have started late and printed 'em more than once a week.

If you search for that Fred'nand strip and go to the Oswego County Messenger items (say #176-200 and #251-275) you'll find other Copley strips and panels.
"Consumer Carnival" by Guiffre
"Putterin' Pete" by Frye
"Of All Things" by ?Phil G???
"Pisces" by Eddy Elia
"Alex in Wonderland" by Bob Cordray
Hey DD, great find there! That website is a bear to work with, but I did eventually find all the features you mentioned. Geriatrix, Pisces and Consumer Carnival will go into the SG index, Putterin' Pete I have to disqualify as more of a handyman feature. Of All Things might have qualified but I could find just one example and can't read the creator name. Since its not in the E&P listings there's just too little so far to go on. Goodie box is on the way to you!

Thanks, Allan
Ground Zero was in the Los Angeles Times.
Hi Anon -
Got any samples you can share with us?

Hey Allen,

On that website, you can also find another Copley strip - Peaches by Paul Ullrich. I don't know if that one's a mystery strip or not, though.
Hi Charles -
Peaches I do have, that one ran a long while (82-88 at least).

"Green Force Five" was an ecological daily strip featuring a team of five people and a leopard, written by Argentinean Alfredo J. Grassi and drawn by his countryman Miguel Angel Repetto. I believe Osvaldo Blanco did the translation to English. It was published at least in several European countries, I don’t know of any publication in the USA though it might surface in some obscure newspaper.
Hi Allan,
I did one of your "Mystery Strips". I went out with Ground Zero (prophetic name) in January 1987 and quit it in November of the same year. I had been a magazine gag cartoonist up to that time and couldn't make the transition.
I now live in New Mexico where I still make a living from illustration, mainly kids stuff.
Thanks for the blog, I found it when searching for info on Herb Roth. Keep up the good work. Tim Haggerty
Hi Tim -
Thanks for coming by. I have Ground Zero starting January 12 which jibes with your msg, but LA Times dropped the strip on 8/29. Any chance you could tell me the official ebnd date in November?

Thanks, Allan
John Adcock, at Yesterday's Papers, has found (The Adventures of) Ginger Blue and Captain Flame, Frontier Fighter in the pages of 1953's Horry County News as syndicated by Charlie Plumb's Ad-Features Syndicate.
If you Google News search for the Horry County News for 1953 you can bring up the May 28, 1953 edition which premieres the strips. On the side of the two strip are introductory articles about both the strips and the artists, those articles say Charlie Plumb is the writer of both strips.

Google News searching Captain Flame will bring up the Southeast Weekly Bulletin which ran Captain Flame during the 1950s as distributed by the Smith Service.
The February 10, 1955 edition of the SWB has the strip signed by Bruce Darrow. By February 20, 1958 it is signed by Don Sherwood and titled Captain Flame & Ginger Blue.

Continuing with the Southeast Weekly Bulletin into the sixties and still running Smith Syndicate strips there is Going West with Hossface Hank in the October 31, 1963 edition. By April 9, 1964 the title is shortened to just Going West.

In 1953 Charlie Plumb, along with putting out Captain Flame and Ginger Blue supposedly syndicated (The Outbursts of) Mr. Biffle. Haven't found that one, do you have it in your records?

You can cross off another one from this list. It appears that "The Gilmore Brothers' Music Scene" - Douglas and Keith Gilmore - Telstar - weekly strip - 1975, was a syndicated column and not a comic strip. Example found in the
Bryan Eagle
Bryan, Texas
October 30, 1975

-Ray Bottorff Jr
Thanks Ray, listing updated.
Greg-Jim Humorous Adventures were illustrated stories produced by the Toronto Star Weekly, which actually ran from 1932 to 1947 (1947-48 in the Montreal Standard). The story was written by Greg Clark (no "e") and illustrated by Jimmie Frise. You can find out more from my own site which also includes other stories and samples of Jim Frise art, including his strips "Life's Little Comedies", "Birdseye Center", and "Juniper Junction".
I was updating Lin Streeter's GCD entry and someone posted a clipping from a newspaper (what newspaper is not known, U.S. or overseas military perhaps) of the comic panel Gripes and Grins by then Corporal Streeter found at an estate sale. Strip is dated 20 June 1945:

So it appeared somewhere.
Looking up "Gino", I couldn't find any newspapers running it, although I found a few articles about the creator. it said it ran in a newspaper in Harrisburg, PA (but didn't say which one). Another article from 1996 said the comic appeared in 150 newspapers across the world.

I would like to know what those 150 papers were. But hopefully this will at least give you a lead on where to find this comic

Here are the articles I found:
Maybe that figure was the number of COPIES of papers?
I found a few samples of "Going West" in The Ada Weekly News. They do appear to be "Hossface Hank" under a different name; it was running under that name in the paper until June 9, 1960, then running under "Going West" starting the following week.
I found "Geraldine" running in Livingston County Daily Press and Argus and others in 1951.
All other examples for Grimes were for different business all over other newspapers in 1946:

my best
-Ray Bottorff Jr
Hi Allan,

I spoke to Howard Bender about the strip The Games Afoot Sherlock Holmes comic strip.

He confirmed that it never sold in the USA, he recalls it only sold in Amsterdam.

My best
Ray Bottorff Jr
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