Saturday, January 07, 2012
Herriman Saturday
We take a break this week on Herriman Saturday from our regularly scheduled LA Examiner cartoons for this late-breaking news: Mark and Cole Johnson, whose prodigious memories are to be questioned only if one likes to eat crow, have sent me the above episode of Musical Mose.
You'll recall that we covered that strip as an obscurity about a month ago, and Mark shortly thereafter mentioned that he seemed to recall an episode running in the North American. I disagreed, saying that my indexing of that paper indicated no such occurrence. A week or so passed and brother Cole sends me this scan, which he assures me is from the March 9 1902 issue of the North American, my index notwithstanding. Presumably the comic section I indexed on microfilm was incomplete or I just plain missed it.
The remaining question, then, is whether this episode also ran in the New York World, or if it ran only in the North American. If it did run in the World, did it run on March 9? Or is it the one remaining episode of February 16 not printed with my earlier blog post? Sadly all these questions are, at least for the moment, unanswered.
You'll recall that we covered that strip as an obscurity about a month ago, and Mark shortly thereafter mentioned that he seemed to recall an episode running in the North American. I disagreed, saying that my indexing of that paper indicated no such occurrence. A week or so passed and brother Cole sends me this scan, which he assures me is from the March 9 1902 issue of the North American, my index notwithstanding. Presumably the comic section I indexed on microfilm was incomplete or I just plain missed it.
The remaining question, then, is whether this episode also ran in the New York World, or if it ran only in the North American. If it did run in the World, did it run on March 9? Or is it the one remaining episode of February 16 not printed with my earlier blog post? Sadly all these questions are, at least for the moment, unanswered.
The Feb 16 World episode of Musical Mose is "Musical Mose 'Impussanates' a Scotchman, With Sad Results." I never saw the "Exclusive Professions" episode in the World comic supplement during this period, though I have a vague memory that at least one Mose got picked up by some other paper. I really like the Garibaldi picture in the first and last panels of this one!
The Feb 16 World episode of Musical Mose is "Musical Mose 'Impussanates' a Scotchman, With Sad Results." I never saw the "Exclusive Professions" episode in the World comic supplement during this period, though I have a vague memory that at least one Mose got picked up by some other paper. I really like the Garibaldi picture in the first and last panels of this one!
It would seem that Herriman was short a cartoon for the NA, and he had a Mose already drawn, so he sent that. He had deadline problems all the time, probably because of his health. Not too long ago I was asked to help decipher the handwriting on the margins of a Krazy Kat original. It turned out to be his editor questioning him about late work!
In any case, he got away with this switch. He isn't referred to as Mose, even though it's obvious it is. The transient nature of 1902 series strips meant nobody noticed.
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In any case, he got away with this switch. He isn't referred to as Mose, even though it's obvious it is. The transient nature of 1902 series strips meant nobody noticed.
Friday, January 06, 2012
Ink-Slinger Profiles: Harry Temple
Harry Clifford Temple was born in Perry, Ohio on March 3, 1881 according to the Ohio, Births and Christenings Index, 1800-1962 at The 1880 U.S. Federal Census recorded his parents and two siblings in Perry. His father was a telegraph operator. He has not been found in the 1900 census, but his parents and two siblings lived in Berlin Heights, Ohio at the time. The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported, on October 29, 1905, Temple's marriage.
Miss Edythe Nina Carvey, daughter of Mr. Judd K. Carvey, was married on Saturday, Oct. 21, to Harry C. Temple of Berlin Heights, O., Rev. Treat of Park Congregational church officiating, and the ceremony taking place at the bride's home, No. 11 Beulah street, at 4:30 p.m. J.W. Carvey, brother of the bride, was best man and Miss Bessie Temple, the groom's sister, was bridesmaid. The bride's gown was of light gray voile with Irish applique trimmings. She carried white carnations. The bridesmaid was gowned in white and carried pink carnations. A horseshoe of autumn leaves hung over the bridal party. After an informal reception and supper Mr. and Mrs. Temple left for the home of the groom in Berlin Heights, where they will remain for a short time before going to make their home in Ft. Wayne, Ind.
How long they lived in Fort Wayne is not known. In 1910 Temple, his wife and her sister lived in Cleveland, Ohio at 1354 East 91st Street. He was a newspaper artist. For the Cleveland Plain Dealer he produced the panel Sketches from Life which ran from September 17, 1913 to November 24, 1926. Some of them were collected in a book Sketches from Life, published in 1915. In the April 28, 1917 issue, Editor & Publisher said,

Editor & Publisher 4/28/1917
Harry C. Temple is a country-bred Ohioan, educated in a red brick schoolhouse on an unimproved road. At seventeen he learned telegraphy, and advanced until he became an assistant dispatcher. Later he entered an art school, but returned occasionally to railroad work. Finally he landed with the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where he developed his distinctive Sketches from Life, which have been featured in that paper for several years past, and have been extensively syndicated throughout the country these past three years.
He is a fisherman by instinct, but most of his recreation is work. As his sketches indicate, his principal interest is in folks, every-day folks, of the kind you see wherever you go.
He signed his World War I draft card on September 18, 1918. The home address is illegible. His occupation was artist at the Cleveland Plain Dealer. He has not been found in the 1920 census. In 1930 he lived in Manhattan, New York City at 3 East 27th Street. He was a commercial artist, and his wife was a jewelry craftswoman. On August 9, 1935 the Kingston Daily Freeman (New York) covered his watercolor exhibition.
Gregory Exhibiting Temple Water Colors
Harry C. Temple of Woodstock, has an exhibition and sale of water colors at Gregory & Company, Broadway, for the last three weeks in August.
There is a variety of subjects and each one is handled with sympathetic understanding. Mr. Temple shows a thorough knowledge of color which few artists seem to possess. His "In the Hemlocks" is strong and masterful, while "Nature's Lace" is delicate and beautiful in color in pattern; "Sky Shadows" is dreamy and skillfully handled; "Portland Harbor" brings back pleasant memories and is peaceful and charming.
Each subject has its special appeal and the exquisite harmony and beauty of color make any one of them invaluable as a center of interest in the well furnished room. Then too, they bring close at hand things we all love to see.
Mr. Temple is to be congratulated on his splendid contribution to art.
Temple passed away on November 2, 1962, in Woodstock, New York. His death was reported the following day in the Kingston Daily Freeman.
Harry C. Temple of 79 Yerry Hill Road, Woodstock, died Friday at his residence. He was born in Perry, Ohio and was one of the earlier Woodstock artists. He had been a resident of Woodstock for the past 43 years. Fraternally, he was a member of the Kingston Lodge 10, F&AM and the Woodstock Country Club. Surviving is his wife Mrs. Edith N. Temple. Funeral services will be held Monday 2 p.m. at Lasher Funeral Home Inc., Woodstock. The Rev. Donald Hicks, pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church, Woodstock, will officiate. Burial will be in Woodstock Cemetery.
Labels: Ink-Slinger Profiles
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Obscurity of the Day: Sketches From Life
We tend to think of comics as raucous things, and when something comes along that is quiet, elegant and sophisticated we instinctively want to categorize it as something else. I proudly declare, though, that Sketches from Life is a cartoon panel. Cartoonist Harry Temple never went for the belly laugh, and in fact often drew pictures that were just observations of everyday life with no particular attempt at humor. His panel cartoons are sometimes wistful, occasionally even sad. But what they are most often is deftly drawn and quietly powerful.
Try to imagine something like Sketches from Life appearing in your daily paper -- a little eddy of somber reflection in a sea of headlines about war, crime and dirty politics. If you were a newspaper editor, would you see the value of Sketches from Life? Not many newspaper editors did take the feature, but those who did tended to be very loyal to it. I can certainly see why that would be. It seems to me readers could get quite addicted to a few square inches of calm meditation amid all the clamor and commotion of the news.
Sketches From Life was produced for the Cleveland Plain Dealer from September 17 1913 to November 24 1926. The Plain Dealer seems to have used World Color Printing as the syndicator of the feature for most of its life. There is some circumstantial evidence of a distribution relationship, perhaps short-term, with either Associated Newspapers or the Philadelphia Inquirer, too.
A book collection of the feature was issued in 1915 by World Color Printing, but there must have been a terrible distribution problem. The book is extremely rare -- I have never seen a copy for sale, and WorldCat shows copies of the book at only three libraries in the country.
Tomorrow: an Ink-Slinger Profile of Harry Temple
Labels: Obscurities
The situations and overall tone, if not the actual drawing style, reminds me a little of Norman Rockwell.
I just found the book with items that belonged to my mother who was born the year it was published. After scanning its wonderful drawings I would not be adverse to making it available to a collector. Any advice?
Thank you for your enlightening blog about this charming little book. I just posted a response then recalled that I had not responded to your comment that "there must have been a terrible distribution problem."
This notation on the title page of the book holds the answer to your mystery: "This book printed for gift distribution only, is limited to 1,000 numbered copies of which this is number 858 and all copies have been distributed The Plain Dealer First Newspaper of Cleveland Sixth City 1915"
I imagine that the dearth of library copies is due not only to the tiny number printed but the gift-distribution factor. Probably most of those still in existence are in attics--or the private collections of the discerning.
For your interest and enjoyment I'm sending you scans of the cover and title page in both PDF and MS Word formats. Thank you again for posting your blog on this subject. As you noted, copies appear to be very rare. There's no ebook listed on googlebooks, and apparently neither that outlet nor Abe books has a hard copy.
Before resorting to ebay I'll consult a local antiquarian book expert I've dealt with before.
This notation on the title page of the book holds the answer to your mystery: "This book printed for gift distribution only, is limited to 1,000 numbered copies of which this is number 858 and all copies have been distributed The Plain Dealer First Newspaper of Cleveland Sixth City 1915"
I imagine that the dearth of library copies is due not only to the tiny number printed but the gift-distribution factor. Probably most of those still in existence are in attics--or the private collections of the discerning.
For your interest and enjoyment I'm sending you scans of the cover and title page in both PDF and MS Word formats. Thank you again for posting your blog on this subject. As you noted, copies appear to be very rare. There's no ebook listed on googlebooks, and apparently neither that outlet nor Abe books has a hard copy.
Before resorting to ebay I'll consult a local antiquarian book expert I've dealt with before.
Mr. Holtz,
I too have a numbered print of Temple's "Sketches from Life", #790 of 1000. In your post you mentioned consulting a book antiquarian as to the books rarity. Were you able to garner any useful information?
I too have a numbered print of Temple's "Sketches from Life", #790 of 1000. In your post you mentioned consulting a book antiquarian as to the books rarity. Were you able to garner any useful information?
I have a copy of Harry Temple's book. It has 97 sketches with a photo page, introduction page and a dedication page. It doesn't have a title page. The cover and spine are red but words, title, etc.
I listed it on ebay if anyone is interested:
I listed it on ebay if anyone is interested:
Harry Temple was my Grandmother's brother. I have some rolled up sheets of paper with his sketches on them. Would these be of interest to a collector?
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Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Ink-Slinger Profiles: Murray Jones Jr.

Murray Jones, Jr., I believe, is William Murray Jones, Jr. who was born in Durham, North Carolina on November 5, 1915, according to his Army registration card at He was the only child of Murray and Jeanette. According to the 1920 U.S. Federal Census, they lived in Wilson, North Carolina at 310 Park Avenue. His father was a tobacco buyer.
In 1930 they lived in Durham, North Carolina at 1528 Hermitage Court. Information about Jones's childhood art training has not been found. Jones attended Duke University; he was pictured in the 1934 yearbook The Chanticleer. In the 1935 Chanticleer he was pictured (see photo) in the fraternity Alpha Tau Omega. While a student, he contributed art to Caro-Graphics; The Dispatch (Lexington, North Carolina) published one of them, by Jones and Johnston, on November 1, 1934. Jones was listed, at the same address as his parents, in the Hill's Durham City Directory from 1936 to 1943. In Durham County: A History of Durham County, North Carolina (2011), Jean Bradley Anderson wrote:
...While Durham had many practicing artists by the decade of the 1970s, it had not been devoid of native talent in earlier times, and contrary to the contention of the Atlantic Monthly article that the arts were the province of Durham's women, the 1930s produced a group of men who became professional artists. Both the time and the place, however, made earning a living by art impossible, so that if they intended to stick to their last they had to go elsewhere to survive. In that decade appeared Nelson Rosenberg, Eugene Erwin, Ralph Fuller, Jr.*, Murray Jones, Jr., and Nathan Ornoff….
In 1939 when he was 24, Jones registered with the Army, according to his Army registration card at He was a student at Duke, and described as six feet and a half-inch tall, weighing 143 pounds, with hazel eyes and brown hair. The Shirley Jones Gallery said, "…Jones entered the Chicago Art Institute in the mid-1930s where he studied painting, drawing and the graphic arts. He graduated with an MFA degree in 1939." The May 23, 1939, Chicago Tribune story, "3 Art Institute Janitors Picked for Trip Abroad", said, "The student-janitors, who won awards of $1,500 each, are: Murray Jones, 24 years old, 17 West H- street, who comes from Durham, N.C…." The Detroit News, January 31, 1998, profiled Jones and said, "Murray Jones received his MFA at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1939, then traveled to Tahiti and Latin America…."
In 1940 he was an instructor at the Summer School of Painting in Saugatuck, Michigan, according to ads in Arts Magazine 1940. According to Shirley Jones Gallery, he served in the Army during World War II. The Detroit News said, "He joined the faculty at Michigan State University in 1946…" A June 30, 1946 news release from Art Institute of Chicago announced "Paintings by Janet and Murray Jones, and Maurice Ritman, exhibition". The date of Jones's marriage is not known. Their son Michael was born in 1946, according to Shirley Jones Gallery. Time Magazine published his letter in its January 13, 1947 issue.
Shirley Jones Gallery said, "From 1959-61, Jones lived and worked in Kyoto Japan under the sponsorship of a Fullbright Research Fellowship….at Michigan State University...he taught until 1962 at which time he accepted a professorship at Ohio State University…." Jones passed away in 1964. In a 1985 issue of Dialogue, from the Akron Art Institute in Ohio, Dale Newkirk said Jones died of multiple sclerosis. Murray Jones 1915-1964: A Memorial Exhibition was published in 1965.
In 1930 they lived in Durham, North Carolina at 1528 Hermitage Court. Information about Jones's childhood art training has not been found. Jones attended Duke University; he was pictured in the 1934 yearbook The Chanticleer. In the 1935 Chanticleer he was pictured (see photo) in the fraternity Alpha Tau Omega. While a student, he contributed art to Caro-Graphics; The Dispatch (Lexington, North Carolina) published one of them, by Jones and Johnston, on November 1, 1934. Jones was listed, at the same address as his parents, in the Hill's Durham City Directory from 1936 to 1943. In Durham County: A History of Durham County, North Carolina (2011), Jean Bradley Anderson wrote:
...While Durham had many practicing artists by the decade of the 1970s, it had not been devoid of native talent in earlier times, and contrary to the contention of the Atlantic Monthly article that the arts were the province of Durham's women, the 1930s produced a group of men who became professional artists. Both the time and the place, however, made earning a living by art impossible, so that if they intended to stick to their last they had to go elsewhere to survive. In that decade appeared Nelson Rosenberg, Eugene Erwin, Ralph Fuller, Jr.*, Murray Jones, Jr., and Nathan Ornoff….
In 1939 when he was 24, Jones registered with the Army, according to his Army registration card at He was a student at Duke, and described as six feet and a half-inch tall, weighing 143 pounds, with hazel eyes and brown hair. The Shirley Jones Gallery said, "…Jones entered the Chicago Art Institute in the mid-1930s where he studied painting, drawing and the graphic arts. He graduated with an MFA degree in 1939." The May 23, 1939, Chicago Tribune story, "3 Art Institute Janitors Picked for Trip Abroad", said, "The student-janitors, who won awards of $1,500 each, are: Murray Jones, 24 years old, 17 West H- street, who comes from Durham, N.C…." The Detroit News, January 31, 1998, profiled Jones and said, "Murray Jones received his MFA at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1939, then traveled to Tahiti and Latin America…."
In 1940 he was an instructor at the Summer School of Painting in Saugatuck, Michigan, according to ads in Arts Magazine 1940. According to Shirley Jones Gallery, he served in the Army during World War II. The Detroit News said, "He joined the faculty at Michigan State University in 1946…" A June 30, 1946 news release from Art Institute of Chicago announced "Paintings by Janet and Murray Jones, and Maurice Ritman, exhibition". The date of Jones's marriage is not known. Their son Michael was born in 1946, according to Shirley Jones Gallery. Time Magazine published his letter in its January 13, 1947 issue.
Shirley Jones Gallery said, "From 1959-61, Jones lived and worked in Kyoto Japan under the sponsorship of a Fullbright Research Fellowship….at Michigan State University...he taught until 1962 at which time he accepted a professorship at Ohio State University…." Jones passed away in 1964. In a 1985 issue of Dialogue, from the Akron Art Institute in Ohio, Dale Newkirk said Jones died of multiple sclerosis. Murray Jones 1915-1964: A Memorial Exhibition was published in 1965.
* Ralph Fuller Jr. (1904–1972; no relation to Ralph Fuller of Oaky Doaks fame) may have been one of the artists who worked on Caro-Graphics; a cartoon in yesterday's post was credited to "Fuller and Johnston". Fuller, a Georgia native, grew up in Durham. Johnston might be Samuel Nash Johnston (1906–1937), a North Carolina native, who died of acute nephritis. Another possibility is "Nash Johnston" is a pseudonym; Nash and Johnston are counties in North Carolina.
Labels: Ink-Slinger Profiles
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Obscurity of the Day: Caro-Graphics
Caro-Graphics is one of the many features that have come and gone over the years that tell factoids about a state, region or city. I doubt that there is a state in the union that can't boast a few of these features. Caro-Graphics focuses on North Carolina, which makes it two known for that state; the other being Carolina Hall of History.
Armed with the knowledge that the feature existed, some online searching revealed that it ran at least 1933 to 1937. The earliest samples carry credits to Nash Johnston and someone named Fuller. I believe they were both writers on the feature; Johnston was for sure. I say Fuller was a writer, too, because the art remains consistent throughout the life of the feature, and seems to have been by Murray Jones, Jr. throughout. I guess Jones didn't ask for credit early on. By late 1934 Fuller has disappeared, and then by 1937 so has Johnston, leaving Jones to presumably fend for himself as both artist and writer. Unfortunately I found no paper that ran the feature consistently or long enough to give more definite credit dates than these.
The writing is run of the mill for this sort of feature, but Jones' art is certainly an asset. Pleasingly stylized and slick, it really makes the feature quite attractive despite the awful reproduction of these samples, all found online.
Thanks to Lew Powell for putting me on the scent!
Labels: Obscurities
You're a stalwart researcher, Allan. Many thanks for making this shard of North Caroliniana considerably less obscure.
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Monday, January 02, 2012
News of Yore: Edward D. Kuekes
Edward D. Kuekes Is Named Cartoonist of Plain Dealer
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 6/14/1949

Kuekes, known familiarly to his associates and countless admiring readers as "Ed." will not be facing a new task in concentrating his facile technique on editorial cartoons. On and off since 1926 he filled in for Donahey when the senior cartoonist was on vacation, away on trips or out because of ill health.
Kuekes' artistic leanings were first discovered when as a child he snipped a folded piece of paper with his mother's scissors and fashioned a bird and a horse. His parents encouraged the ability, and study at art school came later.
Drawing Like a Golfer
The new cartoonist holds to the theory that a drawing should be like a golfer—"the fewer the strokes the better."
Seldom one to ask friends for comment on his work, Kuekes feels acceptance is sound praise or unfounded criticism come from such requests.
Once, when Kuekes had placed a pastel he had done of a dog on the mantel in his home, the artist received the "sincerest form of flattery." His cocker spaniel bounced into the house, spotted the picture and barked.
After attending Baldwin-Wallace College, the cartoonist studied at the Cleveland School of Art and the Chicago Academy of Fine arts before coming to this paper.
Features Include "Kernel"
Plain Dealer features of the artist which have brought him acclaim over the years have included "The Kernel," one-column fixture of the comic page; "Closeups," movie page feature done with W. Ward Marsh; "Cartoonist Looks at the News," published on the Sunday editorial page; "Funny Fables," popular feature from 1933 to 1937 which was later published, and "Alice in Wonderland," a series done with Miss Olive Ray Scott, which was carried in 20 papers in the United States and several European publications before the war.
Interest in magic brought the birth of "The Kernel" in 1942. Kuekes first sketched the likable little rabbit as a trade-mark on the drawings sent from a magicians' convention he helped cover for the Plain Dealer in Kenton, O.
An ardent hobbyist, Kuekes is an mature orchid grower, is widely known for his skill in playing bells and is active in doing pastels and etchings in his remaining spare time.
The cartoonist, his wife, Clara, and two sons, Edward G. (Pat) and George C., both seniors at Baldwin-Wallace College, live at 112 East Center Street, Berea.
[Edward Daniel Kuekes (KEY-kess) was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on February 2, 1901, according to Current Biography Yearbook (1954). In the 1910 U.S. Federal Census, he was the third of four children born to Otto and Elizabeth, both German emigrants. They lived in Pittsburgh at 525 Jackson Street. His father was an employment office agent. The Encyclopedia of Cleveland History said, "…Kuekes moved with his family from his native Pittsburgh, Pa., to Berea [Ohio] in 1913. There he graduated from Berea High School before pursuing art studies at the Cleveland School of Art…and the Chicago Academy of Fine Art."
In 1920 the family lived in Middleburg, Ohio at 128 East Center Street. Kuekes was a salesman at a notion store. According to the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, "In 1922 he married Clare Gray of Berea and began his career at the Plain Dealer as understudy for cartoonist James H. Donahey." He has not been found in the 1930 census.
He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 (see photo) for the cartoon "Aftermath", published in the Plain Dealer on November 9, 1952. The cartoon can be viewed here. The original art is at the Library of Congress.
Current Biography Yearbook said, "Kuekes has hazel eyes and light brown hair. He stands five feet nine inches tall and weighs 148 pounds. His hobbies include raising orchids, taming wild ducks, doing pastels and etchings, and playing a set of twenty-five to thirty musical bells." In 1964 Kuekes gifted a collection of his cartoons to Syracuse University.
Kuekes passed away on January 13, 1987 (Social Security Death Index), in the Baptist Retirement Home in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (Encyclopedia of Cleveland History).]
Labels: News of Yore
This is very cool. Ed Kuekes was my great uncle. I knew some of this information but by no means all of it. Thank you for posting this!!!
Tom Kuekes
Bakersfield, California
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Tom Kuekes
Bakersfield, California