Saturday, September 15, 2007
Herriman Saturday

Today's Herrimans are from October 5 - 7 1906. We have another well-drawn editorial cartoon, GH commemorating fight manager Willus (Willie) Britt opening up his Dreamland Boxing Club, a huge 7-column cartoon about some upcoming prize-fights, and a delightful piece on the new automobile fad (wonder whatever happened to those things).
I tried a different procedure on the scanning and touch-up of the last two cartoons. I'd be interested in your feedback as to whether you think they're better, worse, or about the same as what has been on the blog before.
Labels: Herriman's LA Examiner Cartoons
Well, I'd read "the first" and not "the most", so I stopped at "Home Sweet Home! I should learn to read slower... Anyway I should have known, there's no way to know something better than Alfredo Castelli... kudos to him!
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Miscellany Day
Today I'm going to be all over the map. Let's start with ...
The Herriman Daily Contest
I have received a paltry two entries in the "Name the Herriman Dailies" contest announced last Friday on this blog post, and ending today. One entrant named Home Sweet Home, while Alfredo Castelli, in his public post, also correctly recollected the blog post on The Amours of Marie Ann McGee, so his total is two.
I know of a minimum of 9 Herriman daily-style series that predate Proones, so there's ample opportunity to improve on that score. I know that at least two more of those series have been documented 'publicly', in other words, not through my as yet unpublished primary research.
Stan Goldberg's Mendy
I'm looking for information on the strip Mendy, which, according to Alter Ego magazine, ran as a weekly newspaper comic strip circa 1997-2002 in various Jewish newspapers. I knew there was a comic book series but was not aware of a newspaper release. Any info, especially names of papers and running dates, would be most gratefully appreciated.
Park Row
I just recently learned about a feature film titled Park Row that was released in 1952. The story was apparently about New York newspapers in the 1880s-90s, a subject of considerable fascination to me. I checked around and could find no evidence of it being on video. Can any of our movie mavens tell me where I might obtain a copy?
Barnacle Press
If you haven't visited Barnacle Press lately it's definitely time to take a look. The good folks in charge have done a major redesign on the site are now adding lots more of those great early comic strips.
New York Post Dailies
Comics historian Cole Johnson awhile back sent me some samples of dailies that were running in the New York Post in 2000:

They are all copyrighted by Comicfix. I found their website without any trouble but can't make head or tail over whether they are still in the syndication business or just doing web-based material now. I've asked Jeffrey Lindenblatt, expert on all things New York, to see if he can find running dates for this material in the Post, but I'm hoping some readers know more about the background on these obscurities. How long were they syndicated? Was it only to the Post? What other papers ran it? What exactly is Comicfix and how did/do they do business? Who were the uncredited artists and writers on these features? Were there any other newspaper features from Comicfix?
The Herriman Daily Contest
I have received a paltry two entries in the "Name the Herriman Dailies" contest announced last Friday on this blog post, and ending today. One entrant named Home Sweet Home, while Alfredo Castelli, in his public post, also correctly recollected the blog post on The Amours of Marie Ann McGee, so his total is two.
I know of a minimum of 9 Herriman daily-style series that predate Proones, so there's ample opportunity to improve on that score. I know that at least two more of those series have been documented 'publicly', in other words, not through my as yet unpublished primary research.
Stan Goldberg's Mendy
I'm looking for information on the strip Mendy, which, according to Alter Ego magazine, ran as a weekly newspaper comic strip circa 1997-2002 in various Jewish newspapers. I knew there was a comic book series but was not aware of a newspaper release. Any info, especially names of papers and running dates, would be most gratefully appreciated.
Park Row
I just recently learned about a feature film titled Park Row that was released in 1952. The story was apparently about New York newspapers in the 1880s-90s, a subject of considerable fascination to me. I checked around and could find no evidence of it being on video. Can any of our movie mavens tell me where I might obtain a copy?
Barnacle Press
If you haven't visited Barnacle Press lately it's definitely time to take a look. The good folks in charge have done a major redesign on the site are now adding lots more of those great early comic strips.
New York Post Dailies
Comics historian Cole Johnson awhile back sent me some samples of dailies that were running in the New York Post in 2000:

Comicfix, not Comicflix.
Here's their Speed Racer page.
I have it as a Michael Delle-Femine (aka Mort Todd) project.
Got Speed Racer starting August 21, 2000; Biografix starting August 2000; and Molly the Model starting 2000.
No sources for the above.
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Here's their Speed Racer page.
I have it as a Michael Delle-Femine (aka Mort Todd) project.
Got Speed Racer starting August 21, 2000; Biografix starting August 2000; and Molly the Model starting 2000.
No sources for the above.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Obscurity of the Day: Dragnet

Dragnet was a no-nonsense police procedural drama that was phenomenally popular, originally as a radio show, then as one of television's earliest hits.
In the comic strip world TV tie-ins were initially quite popular (in addition to Dragnet, there were strip adaptations of I Love Lucy, Howdy Doody, Bat Masterson and many others). Few TV-based strips did well, though, including today's obscurity. The reason in hindsight seems obvious -- why bother reading a strip, necessarily a watered-down and simplified version of the television show, when I can tune in the program and see the real thing.
Dragnet was no exception to the rule, though it has to be admitted that the strip did a great job of replicating the feel of the TV show. The dialog rang true, and the monotone 'voice-overs', a trademark of the show, were translated to the strip as typewritten captions, a motif that worked perfectly. The art, always slick, cold and flat, was perfectly in tune as well.
The strip proper started on June 23 1952, though many papers ran a one week preview before that. Art was initially by Joe Sheiber. He only lasted until September 20. The strip was uncredited and unsigned until March 9 1953, when Bill Ziegler owned up to it (judging from art style, I think he was doing it during the unsigned period as well). Ziegler lasted until January 9 1954. The last artist on the strip was Mel Keefer, who took it to a final bow on May 21 1955. The feature was distributed by the LA Mirror Syndicate.
The writing on the strip was uncredited, but it wouldn't surprise me a bit if Jack Webb, star, producer, director and owner of the TV show, was at the helm, perhaps editing television scripter James Moser's plots. Webb was notorious for zealously controlling every aspect of his baby. Ron Goulart in The Funnies says that Webb's mother-hen rule extended to the artists on the strip - the frequent artist changes were due to Jack Webb's search for an artist "who could draw him as good looking as he thought he ought to be."
PS - sorry about the crummy condition of the samples - the paper I took these from (the Albany Times-Union) seems to have never bothered to clean its presses.
PPS - Alberto Becattini tells me that Mel Keefer attributed the strip writing to Jack Robinson, a writer on the TV series. Thanks Alberto!
Labels: Obscurities
Thanks so much for posting this. Two of my favorite things (Dragnet and comics) rolled into one! Very nice!
The writing is extremely true to the original radio show (and TV show)...I wouldn't be surprised if they adapted radio or TV scripts directly to the comics page. Thanks again!
The writing is extremely true to the original radio show (and TV show)...I wouldn't be surprised if they adapted radio or TV scripts directly to the comics page. Thanks again!
I surrender and humbly bow to Allan who must have discovered some obscure secrets concerning George Herriman’s productions. In fact – apart the 1906 “Amours of Marie Anne McGee” which
every blogger should know (posting of Saturday, August 11 1907), the only other “Weekday strip” (this is how I call the series which were published in weekdays, but not all days) anticipating “Proones the Plunger” I succeeded in finding is “Home, Sweet Home”, published in 1904 in Frank A. Munsey’s “New York Daily News. For the short-lived Sunday section of that newspaper, Herriman created the Sunday series “Bud Smith” and “Major Ozone”, later continued for World Color Printing; possibly he did some other weekday strip I don’t know --- also if I have a very faint remembrance of a possible first avatar of “Us Husband”, a series that Herriman recreated (or probably simply “created” in 1926). Another 1904 series I don’t know anything about is “Bubblespikers”, quoted in May it be one of the elusive “Weekdays”?
Here are some conjectures about WHERE could Herriman have published pre – 1907 weekday strips. Before that date GH worked for the “New York World”, the McClure Syndicate (which, for unknown reasons, continued many series begun in the NYW), for the “Philadelphia North American”, where he drew many one shots and some short lived series such as “Tattered Tim”; for the above mentioned “NY Daily News”, and for World Color Printing. To my knowledge, neither McClure Sections nor the North American published weekday strips at the time; the NYW ** did **publish them (Allan has recently indicized it, and this may be a hint), and World Colr Printing tried some syndicvation experimenyts selling “packets” of strips such as “Annie McGee”.
In 1904 – 1905 Herriman authored a series of sport cartoons for Hearst’s “NY Evening Journal”: this is another place where he could have created short lived series, maybe the mystery “Us Husband” and “Bubblespikers”, if they do exist. Then he passed to the “Los Angeles Times” (see posting of July 3 2007; no weeday strips there), and after a year or so he begun working again for Hearst creating political cartoons (the ones that Allan graciously offers us weekly in “Herriman Saturdays”) for the “Los Angeles Examiner”, the same newspaper that published “Proones” in 1907. Maybe Allan discovered something else in that newspaper.
Or I am completely wrong, and Herriman created his strips for another newspaper that only Allan knows. Or he self sope that the contest ends soon, so I’ll be able to sleep again.
I surrender and humbly bow to Allan who must have discovered some obscure secrets concerning George Herriman’s productions. In fact – apart the 1906 “Amours of Marie Anne McGee” which
every blogger should know (posting of Saturday, August 11 1907), the only other “Weekday strip” (this is how I call the series which were published in weekdays, but not all days) anticipating “Proones the Plunger” I succeeded in finding is “Home, Sweet Home”, published in 1904 in Frank A. Munsey’s “New York Daily News. For the short-lived Sunday section of that newspaper, Herriman created the Sunday series “Bud Smith” and “Major Ozone”, later continued for World Color Printing; possibly he did some other weekday strip I don’t know --- also if I have a very faint remembrance of a possible first avatar of “Us Husband”, a series that Herriman recreated (or probably simply “created” in 1926). Another 1904 series I don’t know anything about is “Bubblespikers”, quoted in May it be one of the elusive “Weekdays”?
Here are some conjectures about WHERE could Herriman have published pre – 1907 weekday strips. Before that date GH worked for the “New York World”, the McClure Syndicate (which, for unknown reasons, continued many series begun in the NYW), for the “Philadelphia North American”, where he drew many one shots and some short lived series such as “Tattered Tim”; for the above mentioned “NY Daily News”, and for World Color Printing. To my knowledge, neither McClure Sections nor the North American published weekday strips at the time; the NYW ** did **publish them (Allan has recently indicized it, and this may be a hint), and World Colr Printing tried some syndicvation experimenyts selling “packets” of strips such as “Annie McGee”.
In 1904 – 1905 Herriman authored a series of sport cartoons for Hearst’s “NY Evening Journal”: this is another place where he could have created short lived series, maybe the mystery “Us Husband” and “Bubblespikers”, if they do exist. Then he passed to the “Los Angeles Times” (see posting of July 3 2007; no weeday strips there), and after a year or so he begun working again for Hearst creating political cartoons (the ones that Allan graciously offers us weekly in “Herriman Saturdays”) for the “Los Angeles Examiner”, the same newspaper that published “Proones” in 1907. Maybe Allan discovered something else in that newspaper.
Or I am completely wrong, and Herriman created his strips for another newspaper that only Allan knows. Or he self sope that the contest ends soon, so I’ll be able to sleep again.
Hello, Allan----In his comment about George Herriman, Alfredo Castelli says that the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS made up their own short-lived comic section, for which Herriman created BUD SMITH and MAJOR OZONE,"later continued for World Color Printing". This is a real "Aha" moment for me. I've been trying to figure out where the early OZONEs in the NEWS fit in with my run of 1904 WCP stuff in the ST. LOUIS STAR. Now I see they were a totally different company! Did the NY DAILY NEWS comic section only run a few months? I have MALOR OZONE in the WCP lineup in July 1904. -------Cole Johnson.
Hi Cole =
Regarding the Daily News run (they used the section from January 2 - May 29 1904) I've never been convinced that they were the originators of the section. They are certainly one of the only papers that ran the full four pages, but I know of at least one other paper that ran it as well. And of course we have the St Louis Star and others running a two page version. I still maintain that it makes more sense to me that WCP was producing the material.
The one mysterious aspect of it is that the Daily News was running that Home Sweet Home daily strip, which I've not seen elsewhere. This could very well point us to a different conclusion. Or it could just mean that WCP was already trying to break into dailies with close to zero success.
I have an index of the Daily News Sundays for 1904 from Jeffrey Lindenblatt but have not seen the papers myself yet to see what was going on with the dailies, besides that one Herriman strip that's been documented.
One reason that I question the Daily News as the originator is that Frank Munsey was at the helm. He usually had a disdain for comics (and anything else that cost money to produce), notwithstanding that short-lived NY Press section much later.
Regarding the Daily News run (they used the section from January 2 - May 29 1904) I've never been convinced that they were the originators of the section. They are certainly one of the only papers that ran the full four pages, but I know of at least one other paper that ran it as well. And of course we have the St Louis Star and others running a two page version. I still maintain that it makes more sense to me that WCP was producing the material.
The one mysterious aspect of it is that the Daily News was running that Home Sweet Home daily strip, which I've not seen elsewhere. This could very well point us to a different conclusion. Or it could just mean that WCP was already trying to break into dailies with close to zero success.
I have an index of the Daily News Sundays for 1904 from Jeffrey Lindenblatt but have not seen the papers myself yet to see what was going on with the dailies, besides that one Herriman strip that's been documented.
One reason that I question the Daily News as the originator is that Frank Munsey was at the helm. He usually had a disdain for comics (and anything else that cost money to produce), notwithstanding that short-lived NY Press section much later.
Holy shamolley! They're BOWLING WITH HUMAN HEADS in the fourth strip down from the top and Friday's worried about a phony pink slip scam?!?!?!?
Came here years later to say that this article was enough to convince me to try and get every single strip of Dragnet. And I am proud to say that I did. It's available at its page in a blog called Newspaper Comic Strips. I sent the owner my MEGA folder with all the strips in it so that he could make it available for everyone who wants to read the strips. It surely became one of my favorites of all time — even though I'm kinda young for comic strips, at only 25 years old.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
New of Yore: Herblock Book Released

Cartoonists Can't Write? Look at Herblock Book
By Erwin Knoll (E&P, 1952)
There is a firm conviction in the minds of syndicate editors — and newspaper editors, too — that cartoonists are illiterate. Cartoonists can't spell, let alone write, the saying goes.
A man who came up with proof to the contrary this week is Herbert Block, better known as Herblock, whose daily editorial cartoons are distributed to about 150 newspapers in the U. S. and Canada by the Post-Hall Syndicate.
"The Herblock Book," published by Beacon Press, contains reprints of about 400 editorial cartoons, surrounded on all sides by text. The text is humorous, informative .and occasionally devastating. Mr. Block tells how many of the reproduced cartoons were drawn, and why a cartoonist's lot is not a happy one.
We collared Mr. Block for a few minutes the other day between radio and television appearances. First thing we asked was how a syndicated cartoonist, whose work appears in both pro-Stevenson and pro-Eisenhower newspapers, can possibly handle the campaign.
"No problem," said Mr. Block. About half of his cartoons these days are devoted to the campaign, he said, and he doesn't stick to innocuous drawings of donkeys and elephants running down the track to the finish line.
"I take a little whack at each side, when necessary," he explained, "I try to figure out what's right and wrong on each issue, and pitch my cartoons accordingly." Editors don't mind. They print the cartoons, occasionally right next to editorials taking the opposite point of view. Mr. Block regards this as a tribute to the job the press is doing to keep the voters informed.
Next question we asked was how he felt about being described as a "liberal cartoonist." Not too good, he said. "Liberal is a word that has been much abused and kicked around. Nobody really knows just what it means any more. I just want to say the right thing and say it effectively," Mr. Block said effectively and dashed for a door.
Mr. Block works in the offices of the Washington (D. C.) Post, and his cartoon is selected from roughs each day by Post Editor Herbert Elliston. In the final chapter of "The Herblock Book" the cartoonist tells how that daily cartoon gets drawn. The account, he admits, "contains a couple of slight exaggerations."
Some excerpts:
"It is at this point that the door opens slightly and a visitor asks if you are busy. You say. Yes, you are, and he says 'Ha! It looks like it!' and sits down for a long chat. He is followed by three others who open with the same conversational gambit.
"As the visitors leave, the phone rings and a voice asks if you ever use suggestions for cartoons. You say no, you are sorry but you don't. And the voice says, 'Okay, here it is: You draw a picture of a rat, see? And label it Stalin. Get it? A rat, see?' When you have thanked him and hung up, you find that a small delegation of ladies has come in to ask you if you can't do something about our feathered friends who, it seems, are multiplying faster than the number of statues on which they can perch.
"As the deadline draws nearer, the word gets out that you are pressed for time and the phone rings more frequently.
"You are now ready to start on those sketches. That is, just as soon as you have talked with this visitor who says that his friends tell him he looks like Herbert Hoover, and would you like him to pose for you? For a slight extra fee he will also bring in a live elephant that he has tethered to the outer doorknob."
Herblock, now 43, started on this hectic pace in 1929, when he left college to join the Chicago Daily News as editorial cartoonist.
Labels: News of Yore
I was lucky enough to get Mr. Block to sign a complete set of his books about a year before he died. Curiously, "The Herblock Book," even though it's by far the oldest, is one of the easiest to get. ("Herblock on All Fronts," his late 70s collection, for some odd reason is very hard to find.)
Herblock's writing was above average, though I thought the stuff he did in his first book, which went into a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff (including some explanations, discussions of "goofs," and drafts of cartoons), had things the later books, good as they were, missed.
The one thing I would like to see is a release of Herblock's Chicago Daily News and NEA work...I have some clipped (UGH!) cartoons, but a comprehensive collection would be valuable. I don't know if the Herblock Foundation (fueled by the many millions Herblock had in Washington Post stock when he died...stock he got in the 1950s for a pittance and was worth $750/share when he died) is going to do this. I did visit their offices, once. They had a superb colour (!) cartoon on the wall.
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Herblock's writing was above average, though I thought the stuff he did in his first book, which went into a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff (including some explanations, discussions of "goofs," and drafts of cartoons), had things the later books, good as they were, missed.
The one thing I would like to see is a release of Herblock's Chicago Daily News and NEA work...I have some clipped (UGH!) cartoons, but a comprehensive collection would be valuable. I don't know if the Herblock Foundation (fueled by the many millions Herblock had in Washington Post stock when he died...stock he got in the 1950s for a pittance and was worth $750/share when he died) is going to do this. I did visit their offices, once. They had a superb colour (!) cartoon on the wall.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Obscurity of the Day: Do You Know Why

Fisher flitted from syndicate to syndicate but had his best and most productive years with the New York World circa 1913-19. He has a laundry list of credits, not a single one of which wouldn't qualify as an obscurity today.
Do You Know Why is one of his earliest efforts; it ran from October 4 1913 to June 25 1914. There were no continuing characters, just a little self-contained 4-6 act play acting out the answer to Fisher's title questions. Some strips were real klunkers (I think the top strip here qualifies), while others were perceptive and very witty (I love the second strip, which is timeless -- substitute Barack Obama or Mitt Romney as the subject).
This strip is also a bit of a historical head-scratcher. Fisher was definitely doing work for the New York World at this time, and I've indexed his output from the pages of both their morning and evening editions. This long-running strip, however, never appeared there. I found the indexed run in the Boston Post. The Post bought most of their dailies from the World, yet this strip doesn't carry the typical Press Publishing copyright. So is it a World strip that was produced only for syndication (not something the World was doing at the time as far as I know), or was Fisher also working for the Post, or a syndicate, or self-syndicating, while at the World?
Soon as I figure this one out I'll get to work on that whole world peace issue.
Labels: Obscurities
Hi Alan- I just came across this post only 9 years late. I have a few metal plates for this strip. Once carries the label for the "International-Cartoon Co." with a NYC address...
Hello Allan-
I have found "Do You Know Why" running in the Martinsburg (WVa.) Evening Journal in late 1919-early 1920, if you say they're from ca. 1915, It may be so, after all they're international cartoon co boiler plates, though they look a bit later than your examples, so they may have had several sets commissioned.
But also note that in amongst them are some drawn by, and credited to, Frank Leet. In fact, Though I don't have the eye for it that you or Cole might've had, I offer a guess that some of the Fisher ones might be ghosted by Leet.
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I have found "Do You Know Why" running in the Martinsburg (WVa.) Evening Journal in late 1919-early 1920, if you say they're from ca. 1915, It may be so, after all they're international cartoon co boiler plates, though they look a bit later than your examples, so they may have had several sets commissioned.
But also note that in amongst them are some drawn by, and credited to, Frank Leet. In fact, Though I don't have the eye for it that you or Cole might've had, I offer a guess that some of the Fisher ones might be ghosted by Leet.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Stripper's Guide Bookshelf: Connie - The Strange Death of Dolan

Connie - The Strange Death of Dolan & Other Stories
No publisher listed
No price listed
48 pages, wraps
If you spend time on eBay you've seen this book for sale, being touted as a special very limited edition. If you order it you'll find out that the seller, and presumably publisher, is Tony Raiola of Pacific Comics Club.
The book sounds pretty good in the somewhat vague eBay description. You get 5 supposedly complete daily stories of the Frank Godwin classic Connie. That might lead you to believe that you're getting a pretty substantial book, but that's not really the case. The stories are as follows:
The Strange Death of Dolan (1938) - a 23 strip vignette from 1938. The story is indeed complete in 23 strips, but because it's so short there's no meat to the story, a badly plotted bank robbery whodunit. Reproduction on this one is pretty bad -- all the zipatone backgrounds have been turned to mud and the strips are very dark.
Perfect Alibi (1929) - an even shorter tale told in just 12 strips. Another bank robbery mystery, the solution to which is obvious by the third strip. The reproduction on this one is outstanding.
The last three stories in the volume were previously printed in the Hyperion Connie book, and the strips here are obviously scanned from that source, with the attendant third generation quality having been lowered a bit:
The Assistant Gardener (1929) - six strips that provide only the start of a story. A footnote on the contents page says that "this story ends in a strange way but it seems there are no dailies between this episode and the following one". A look at the dates on the strips, which granted are tiny and hard to read, would have dispelled that notion. This story is incomplete, exactly as it was in the Hyperion book.
Mystery and Adventure (1929) -30 strips that tell a pretty good story until the end, which is abrupt. Not the publisher's fault on this story though, blame Godwin.
The Bid To Ten Million (1929-30) - 24 strip story, Connie comes up smelling like roses by pure luck when a rival secretary schemes to get her fired.
If you already have the Hyperion book, all you're actually getting here for a starting bid of $19.95 on eBay is just 35 strips, 23 of which are quite badly reproduced. I guess if you're desperate for a Connie fix you might consider it, otherwise it's a pretty raw deal. Even if you don't have the Hyperion book you're still not exactly getting a bargain since the Hyperion book can still be had on the rare book market for $50-60 and it reprints a heck of a lot more of the strip.
Labels: Bookshelf
Thanks for the review. I was tempted to pick these up, but now I know I'll pass on them until someone (maybe me?) puts out a decent Connie collection at a reasonable price. --Joe
I had a Connie website for a long time that featured about 8 years worth of strips.
Its currently looking for a high profile home. I'd also like to replace my SF years strips from Famous Funnies with "real" ones.
Art Lortie
Its currently looking for a high profile home. I'd also like to replace my SF years strips from Famous Funnies with "real" ones.
Art Lortie
Hi Art -
If you've got high quality source material I bet you could easily interest a publisher in the series. If this book can sell, a quality reprint would be a real winner.
Me, I wouldn't even bother looking at Godwin on the web -- I want to see his gorgeous artwork (not to mention the dreamy Connie herself) in hi-res!
If you've got high quality source material I bet you could easily interest a publisher in the series. If this book can sell, a quality reprint would be a real winner.
Me, I wouldn't even bother looking at Godwin on the web -- I want to see his gorgeous artwork (not to mention the dreamy Connie herself) in hi-res!
no argument with your review of PCC's Strange Death of Dolan, but there are actually three further 48 page Connie reprints from PCC. One of them-The Ghost of Pendleton Hall reprints three stories that are the first, second, and fourth immediately following the last strips in the Arcadia reprint. Since Art Lortie's excellent web page is unavailable, I can't give precise dates, but these are very late 1930 and very early 1931. So far as I know--and I've been collecting Connie reprints for a while--these pages have never before been reprinted--at least nopt in English. Tom Pendleton
Hi Tom -
Given my experience with the first book, I won't be buying any more, even if the material is unreprinted. Guess I'll wait until Art Lortie does a good reprint series!
Given my experience with the first book, I won't be buying any more, even if the material is unreprinted. Guess I'll wait until Art Lortie does a good reprint series!
The Pacific Comics Club reprints now may be more attractive, as used copies of the Hyperion book (tpb or hc) no longer seem to be available for less than $90 (shipping included), with most sellers asking for substantially more than that.
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