Thursday, July 09, 2009
Mystery Strips of E&P - "P" Listings
As you'll no doubt recall from previous installments of this series, the following features were all listed in the Editor & Publisher annual Syndicate Directory listings. Problem is that I have not been able to find these ones in any American newspaper. I'm looking for positive proof that (1) these features did indeed exist, (2) they are actually comics of some sort and weren't just mislabeled in E&P, and (3) they ran in U.S. newspapers. If you have any information about any mystery strip on this list please, please, please tell me all about it. And if you can provide positive proof that the mystery feature did indeed run in U.S. newspapers (a tearsheet is ideal proof) and qualifies for listing in the Stripper's Guide index, you can be the recipient of a goodie box chock full of all manner of comic strip ephemera -- could be reprint books, old tearsheets, magazines, original art or all of the above. Trust me that my goodie boxes do not disappoint! (SORRY - as of 2018 goodie boxes
are sadly no longer available - I now live in Canada and our postal
rates are so outrageous that I cannot afford to send out goodie boxes -
If you prefer to contact me privately rather than posting a comment on the blog, send it to Please be sure to mention Stripper's Guide in your subject line or I may miss your message in amongst all the spam.
Here's the mystery features starting with letter "P" as in "please get me off this list!". Each listing has the title, years advertised, creator(s), syndicate and format. Sorry, I'd put these in a more attractive tabular form, but Blogger plays havoc with tables:
P.J. Abominable, 1968, John Gallagher, United Feature Syndicate, daily strip
The PO Box, 1993-97, Earl T. Musick, self-syndicated, weekly (author says it sold primarily to specialty publications - thanks Earl!)
Pa and Abie, 1926, Russell, Wheeler-Nicholson, daily strip
Pa and Ma, 1926, Voorhees, John F. Dille, daily strip
Padded Cell, 1942, Charles J. Dunn, Watkins Syndicate, daily panel
Paddy Pigg, 1937, Richard Decker, Allied Features, daily and Sunday strip
A Page For Every Age, 1936, G. Melikov, Nu-Way Features, weekly strip
Pan-Dee-Monium, 1982, Jackson Gray, Mid-Continent Features, daily strip
Pandora, 1948, Kaye Spence, Press Features, daily panel
Panel of Fun, 1939, C. Decker, Bell SYndicate, daily panel
Pantomime, 1975, Sara Black, Spadea Syndicate, daily panel
Paperclips, 1981, Doug Brunner, Community Features, thrice weekly
Paradise Park, 1994-99, R. Claude, Singer Media, weekly strip
Parents Plus, 1968-69, Justin Manning, Four Corners Syndicate, weekly panel
Parking Space, 1931, Russell Askue, McClure Syndicate, daily panel
Party Gators, 1998-2004, Elaine Sandra Abramson, A&A, weekly strip
Party Ranks, 1986-87, Mike Pascal and Joe Stuart, JSA Publications, daily/weekly strip
Pat the Paris Shopper, 1932-35, Joan Carson, John F. Dille, daily strip (fashion feature?)
Patent Nonsense, 1999, Roy Doty, Paradigm-TSA, daily strip
The Patsy, 1933-34, Irma Harms, Thompson Service, daily strip
Patterson's People, 1968-73, Gene Patterson, Allied Features, daily panel
Patty Lee, 1933, Edwin Finch, Henle Features, daily
Peanut Butter Soup, 1990-92, Joe Amadeo and Tom Kerr, Syndicated News Service, weekly
Pebbles, 1951, Henry Boye, McClure Syndicate, daily panel
Pee Wee's Pencil, 1979, Joe Rice, Copley News Service, daily and Sunday panel (found by Charles Brubaker, activity panel, doesn't qualify for SG)
Peeping Tom, 1981, C. Crist, Globe Syndicate, weekly strip
Peg, Ann & Barbara, 1928-30, Mabel Whitney, International Syndicate, daily panel
The Pennypockets, 1939, Wes Dennis, Consolidated News Features, daily strip
People & Things, 1940, Prescott Chaplin, Bell Syndicate, daily/weekly strip (likely illustrated column)
PeraNormal, 1996-98, Jim Pera, Second Ring Syndicate, weekly strip
Percy's World, 1961, Howie Schneider, Page One Syndicate, daily strip
Perfect Couple, 1986, Rick Geary, Copley News Service, twice weekly strip
Peter Panic, 1973-2003, Lo Linkert, Singer Media, daily/weekly panel
Peter Pupp, 1937-39, Bob Kane, Eisner-Iger Associates, weekly strip
Petey, 1935, Lou Darvas, Thompson Service, daily panel
Pews, 1982-85, Joe McKeever, Copley News Service, weekly panel [Charles Brubaker reports that McKeever says he never saw the panel in print -- Copley told him they didn't know which papers, if any, actually ran it]
Phil Ossifer, 1934-36, Clyde Campbell and O. DeCaillet, Thompson Service, daily panel
Phillip's Flock, 1968-85, Doc Goodwin, Dispatch Features, Sunday strip (found in Columbus Dispatch, actually a weekly strip in daily format)
Phoney Photos, 1925, Bret Hart Jr., Readers Syndicate, daily panel
Phrog, 1985-86, George Albitz, Al Smith Service, weekly strip (Found! in Laurel Outlook)
Phyllis, 1939, Bernard Baily, Keystone Press Features, daily strip
Pig Newton, 1983, Mal Hancock, Field Newspaper Syndicate, daily panel/Sunday strip (found! in Philadelphia Daily News)
Pilot Storm, 1959-72, Henk Sprenger, Douglas Whiting, daily strip (Dutch - appeared in U.S.?)
Pinhead Pete, 1928-31, uncredited, Premier Syndicate, weekly panel (found! by Bill Mullins in Cleveland Plain Dealer and Portland Oregonian -- thanks Bill!)
Pinny and his Pals, 1937, Barney Bravman, Foreign Press Syndicate, daily/weekly strip
Pipe Dreams, 1957-63, Rud, Sun News Features, daily/Sunday panel
The Pit, 1957, Morris Turner, Pioneer Press Service, daily panel
Pixel, 1985, Frank Hill and Ted Mancuso, Al Smith Service, weekly strip
Playmates, 1924-25, Lloyd Jones and H.F. Voorhees, John F. Dille, daily strip
Plympton, 1978-81, Bill Plympton, self-syndicated/Universal Press Syndicate, weekly-4 times weekly panel (possibly political cartoon, originated in Soho Weekly News before syndication)
Pollutocrats, 1972, Larkin and Gordon, Allied Feature Syndicate, daily panel
Polly Esther, 1971, Ed McNally, Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate, daily panel
Polymericks, 1978, Steve McKinstry, Enterprise Features, 3 times weekly panel
Ponder This, 1965, Leonard Andrews, Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate, daily [Charles Brubaker finds this was a poetry feature, incorrectly categorized in E&P - thanks Charles]
Poor Little Rich Man, 1948, Courtney Dunkel, Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate, daily panel (found! by Michael Vassallo in New York News)
Pop Winters, 1935, Cliff Knight, Triton Syndicate, daily panel
Possum Holler, 1936, Boody Rogers, McClure SYndicate, daily strip
Pre-Columbian Mysteries, 1976, Mario Bertolini, Ed Marzola & Associates, daily strip
Prince, 1986, Winthrop Prince, Chronicle Features, weekly panel (author says it was syndicated as Free Zone to several papers and appeared in the SF Chronicle under this title - thanks Winthrop!)
Private Stuff, 1953, Jack O'Brien, Editors Syndicate, daily panel (found, but only in military base paper The Hilltop Herald -- still unfound in a mainstream paper)
Professor Naturebug, 1971, John Hazlett and Edward Thomas, Dispatch Features, Sunday strip (found in Columbus Dispatch, but very text heavy and doesn't qualify)
Professor Pi, 1959-72, V.T.Born, Douglas Whiting, daily strip (Dutch - appeared in U.S.?)
Professor Unquote, 1948, Bill Henry, Globe Syndicate, daily strip
Proven Proverbs, 1962, Bill Zaboly and William Davy, Select Features, daily panel
Pud, 1989-98, Steven Nease, Southam Syndicate/Liberty Features, daily strip (Canadian - appeared in U.S.?)
Punch Line, 1975-78, Palbo, Community Press Service, weekly panel
Punchline, 1995-96, Tim Newlin, self-syndicated, Sunday strip
Punchy and Judy, 1945, Loy Byrnes, NY Post, daily strip (found! in NY Post)
Puzzy, 1953, Jack Fitch, Editors Syndicate, daily panel
If you prefer to contact me privately rather than posting a comment on the blog, send it to Please be sure to mention Stripper's Guide in your subject line or I may miss your message in amongst all the spam.
Here's the mystery features starting with letter "P" as in "please get me off this list!". Each listing has the title, years advertised, creator(s), syndicate and format. Sorry, I'd put these in a more attractive tabular form, but Blogger plays havoc with tables:
P.J. Abominable, 1968, John Gallagher, United Feature Syndicate, daily strip
The PO Box, 1993-97, Earl T. Musick, self-syndicated, weekly (author says it sold primarily to specialty publications - thanks Earl!)
Pa and Abie, 1926, Russell, Wheeler-Nicholson, daily strip
Pa and Ma, 1926, Voorhees, John F. Dille, daily strip
Padded Cell, 1942, Charles J. Dunn, Watkins Syndicate, daily panel
Paddy Pigg, 1937, Richard Decker, Allied Features, daily and Sunday strip
A Page For Every Age, 1936, G. Melikov, Nu-Way Features, weekly strip
Pan-Dee-Monium, 1982, Jackson Gray, Mid-Continent Features, daily strip
Pandora, 1948, Kaye Spence, Press Features, daily panel
Panel of Fun, 1939, C. Decker, Bell SYndicate, daily panel
Pantomime, 1975, Sara Black, Spadea Syndicate, daily panel
Paperclips, 1981, Doug Brunner, Community Features, thrice weekly
Paradise Park, 1994-99, R. Claude, Singer Media, weekly strip
Parents Plus, 1968-69, Justin Manning, Four Corners Syndicate, weekly panel
Parking Space, 1931, Russell Askue, McClure Syndicate, daily panel
Party Gators, 1998-2004, Elaine Sandra Abramson, A&A, weekly strip
Party Ranks, 1986-87, Mike Pascal and Joe Stuart, JSA Publications, daily/weekly strip
Pat the Paris Shopper, 1932-35, Joan Carson, John F. Dille, daily strip (fashion feature?)
Patent Nonsense, 1999, Roy Doty, Paradigm-TSA, daily strip
The Patsy, 1933-34, Irma Harms, Thompson Service, daily strip
Patterson's People, 1968-73, Gene Patterson, Allied Features, daily panel
Patty Lee, 1933, Edwin Finch, Henle Features, daily
Peanut Butter Soup, 1990-92, Joe Amadeo and Tom Kerr, Syndicated News Service, weekly
Pebbles, 1951, Henry Boye, McClure Syndicate, daily panel
Pee Wee's Pencil, 1979, Joe Rice, Copley News Service, daily and Sunday panel (found by Charles Brubaker, activity panel, doesn't qualify for SG)
Peeping Tom, 1981, C. Crist, Globe Syndicate, weekly strip
Peg, Ann & Barbara, 1928-30, Mabel Whitney, International Syndicate, daily panel
The Pennypockets, 1939, Wes Dennis, Consolidated News Features, daily strip
People & Things, 1940, Prescott Chaplin, Bell Syndicate, daily/weekly strip (likely illustrated column)
PeraNormal, 1996-98, Jim Pera, Second Ring Syndicate, weekly strip
Percy's World, 1961, Howie Schneider, Page One Syndicate, daily strip
Perfect Couple, 1986, Rick Geary, Copley News Service, twice weekly strip
Peter Panic, 1973-2003, Lo Linkert, Singer Media, daily/weekly panel
Peter Pupp, 1937-39, Bob Kane, Eisner-Iger Associates, weekly strip
Petey, 1935, Lou Darvas, Thompson Service, daily panel
Pews, 1982-85, Joe McKeever, Copley News Service, weekly panel [Charles Brubaker reports that McKeever says he never saw the panel in print -- Copley told him they didn't know which papers, if any, actually ran it]
Phil Ossifer, 1934-36, Clyde Campbell and O. DeCaillet, Thompson Service, daily panel
Phillip's Flock, 1968-85, Doc Goodwin, Dispatch Features, Sunday strip (found in Columbus Dispatch, actually a weekly strip in daily format)
Phoney Photos, 1925, Bret Hart Jr., Readers Syndicate, daily panel
Phrog, 1985-86, George Albitz, Al Smith Service, weekly strip (Found! in Laurel Outlook)
Phyllis, 1939, Bernard Baily, Keystone Press Features, daily strip
Pig Newton, 1983, Mal Hancock, Field Newspaper Syndicate, daily panel/Sunday strip (found! in Philadelphia Daily News)
Pilot Storm, 1959-72, Henk Sprenger, Douglas Whiting, daily strip (Dutch - appeared in U.S.?)
Pinhead Pete, 1928-31, uncredited, Premier Syndicate, weekly panel (found! by Bill Mullins in Cleveland Plain Dealer and Portland Oregonian -- thanks Bill!)
Pinny and his Pals, 1937, Barney Bravman, Foreign Press Syndicate, daily/weekly strip
Pipe Dreams, 1957-63, Rud, Sun News Features, daily/Sunday panel
The Pit, 1957, Morris Turner, Pioneer Press Service, daily panel
Pixel, 1985, Frank Hill and Ted Mancuso, Al Smith Service, weekly strip
Playmates, 1924-25, Lloyd Jones and H.F. Voorhees, John F. Dille, daily strip
Plympton, 1978-81, Bill Plympton, self-syndicated/Universal Press Syndicate, weekly-4 times weekly panel (possibly political cartoon, originated in Soho Weekly News before syndication)
Pollutocrats, 1972, Larkin and Gordon, Allied Feature Syndicate, daily panel
Polly Esther, 1971, Ed McNally, Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate, daily panel
Polymericks, 1978, Steve McKinstry, Enterprise Features, 3 times weekly panel
Ponder This, 1965, Leonard Andrews, Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate, daily [Charles Brubaker finds this was a poetry feature, incorrectly categorized in E&P - thanks Charles]
Poor Little Rich Man, 1948, Courtney Dunkel, Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate, daily panel (found! by Michael Vassallo in New York News)
Pop Winters, 1935, Cliff Knight, Triton Syndicate, daily panel
Possum Holler, 1936, Boody Rogers, McClure SYndicate, daily strip
Pre-Columbian Mysteries, 1976, Mario Bertolini, Ed Marzola & Associates, daily strip
Prince, 1986, Winthrop Prince, Chronicle Features, weekly panel (author says it was syndicated as Free Zone to several papers and appeared in the SF Chronicle under this title - thanks Winthrop!)
Private Stuff, 1953, Jack O'Brien, Editors Syndicate, daily panel (found, but only in military base paper The Hilltop Herald -- still unfound in a mainstream paper)
Professor Naturebug, 1971, John Hazlett and Edward Thomas, Dispatch Features, Sunday strip (found in Columbus Dispatch, but very text heavy and doesn't qualify)
Professor Pi, 1959-72, V.T.Born, Douglas Whiting, daily strip (Dutch - appeared in U.S.?)
Professor Unquote, 1948, Bill Henry, Globe Syndicate, daily strip
Proven Proverbs, 1962, Bill Zaboly and William Davy, Select Features, daily panel
Pud, 1989-98, Steven Nease, Southam Syndicate/Liberty Features, daily strip (Canadian - appeared in U.S.?)
Punch Line, 1975-78, Palbo, Community Press Service, weekly panel
Punchline, 1995-96, Tim Newlin, self-syndicated, Sunday strip
Punchy and Judy, 1945, Loy Byrnes, NY Post, daily strip (found! in NY Post)
Puzzy, 1953, Jack Fitch, Editors Syndicate, daily panel
Labels: Mystery Strips
Allan, in the case of more recent features, is it very useful to approach the cartoonists themselves? For instance, The PO Box's Earl T. Musick lives in Ohio, apparently in the same town he did when he worked on his strip. Since he self-syndicated, he would have a better idea of which newspaper ran his feature. Or do you find that actually trying to contact people doesn't turn out very well?
Hi Hugo -
When I can find someone on the web who seems to be the author of a mystery strip I do email them with questions. Its a hit and miss proposition. Out of the 'P' batch I did email Earl Musick (no response yet) and found a websites for Tim Newlin and Jim Pera but with no email links. Winthrop Prince has a Facebook page but I'm not a member and am not keen on becoming one.
When I can find someone on the web who seems to be the author of a mystery strip I do email them with questions. Its a hit and miss proposition. Out of the 'P' batch I did email Earl Musick (no response yet) and found a websites for Tim Newlin and Jim Pera but with no email links. Winthrop Prince has a Facebook page but I'm not a member and am not keen on becoming one.
Winthrop Prince also has a web page with an e-mail link at if you think it's worth a try.
Oh, PILOOT STORM did exist. I was a big fan of the French language translation PILOTE TEMPETE back in the 60s in LE SOLEIL newspaper. Haven't had much luck tracking it down since, though.
I just saw this, but Piloot Storm did indeed exist. It has recently been republished by Dutch publisher Boumaar ( This website tell that Storm was distributed through Swan Syndicate, who did a lot of bussiness in Europe. But maybe abroad as well?
re: Pollutocrats, 1972, Larkin and Gordon
Gordon Larkin has passed away.
From the above obituary: "In the early 1970's he drew the enviromentally themed, syndicated cartoon strip, The Pollut-o-crats, with his brother Mark."
There is a sample of the panel on his Facebook page with a printed credit of "by the Larkin brothers" while Gordon Larkin signed the panel GOLARK.
The creators of the panel were Gordon Larkin and his brother Mark Larkin.
Unfortunately I couldn't find any instance of it appearing in a newspaper, though the obituary says "It ran in 20 newspapers nationwide for 5 years."
Gordon Larkin has passed away.
From the above obituary: "In the early 1970's he drew the enviromentally themed, syndicated cartoon strip, The Pollut-o-crats, with his brother Mark."
There is a sample of the panel on his Facebook page with a printed credit of "by the Larkin brothers" while Gordon Larkin signed the panel GOLARK.
The creators of the panel were Gordon Larkin and his brother Mark Larkin.
Unfortunately I couldn't find any instance of it appearing in a newspaper, though the obituary says "It ran in 20 newspapers nationwide for 5 years."
I remember seeing Pig Newton as a voting candidate for am August 1983 Stamford (CT.) Advocate comics voting poll. It was a candidate with 4 other new comics, but didn't make the cut.
I have a Mostly Male, Easter with Phillip's Flock by Doc Goodwin that has a paste-on for the Columbus Dispatch Tab, March 29, 1970, with a second strip "Bascomb" drawn below. Working my way through the Art Wood Collection alphabetically, now up to Goodwin!
Sara Duke
Curator, Popular & Applied Graphic Art
Prints & Photographs Division
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4730
Sara Duke
Curator, Popular & Applied Graphic Art
Prints & Photographs Division
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4730
Hmm. So it sounds like Philip's Flock may have just been a recurring feature within the Mostly Male Sunday page. I'll take it under advisement, and hopefully I'll get to look at the Columbus Dispatch microfilm one of these days. Thanks Sara!
Hey Allan,
Poor Little Rich Man, 1948, Courtney Dunkel, Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate, daily panel
It is no longer unknown!. Michael J. Vassallo in his The New York Sunday News Comics History Group on Facebook posted an appearance of this strip appearing on August 16, 1948, in the New York Daily News. He states the only other instance he has seen it appear was a May 15, 1949 Sunday News comic section.
-Ray Bottorff Jr
Poor Little Rich Man, 1948, Courtney Dunkel, Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate, daily panel
It is no longer unknown!. Michael J. Vassallo in his The New York Sunday News Comics History Group on Facebook posted an appearance of this strip appearing on August 16, 1948, in the New York Daily News. He states the only other instance he has seen it appear was a May 15, 1949 Sunday News comic section.
-Ray Bottorff Jr
Thanks Ray, for some reason I don't have acces to that Facebook page, but I was able to find the strip at It does appear that the Sunday was a one-shot filler, and the daily ran January - September 1948.
Hi Allan,
Since Vassallo's The New York Sunday News Comics History Group on Facebook is a private group, you would need to submit to join the group (I am sure he would approve you in a heartbeat).
Speaking of Michael, he recently stumbled across a brand new comic strip not previously know per your book and Ger Apeldoorn:
Pee Wee by Ray Bailey, appeared in the New York Sunday News only twice known, 25 December 1938 and 1 January 1939. It is listed as being syndicated by Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate, so it might have made appearances in the Chicago Tribune at some point. I checked and confirmed it was there in the NY News too in the main edition.
my best
Since Vassallo's The New York Sunday News Comics History Group on Facebook is a private group, you would need to submit to join the group (I am sure he would approve you in a heartbeat).
Speaking of Michael, he recently stumbled across a brand new comic strip not previously know per your book and Ger Apeldoorn:
Pee Wee by Ray Bailey, appeared in the New York Sunday News only twice known, 25 December 1938 and 1 January 1939. It is listed as being syndicated by Chicago Tribune-NY News Syndicate, so it might have made appearances in the Chicago Tribune at some point. I checked and confirmed it was there in the NY News too in the main edition.
my best
Thanks for the info on Pee Wee, Ray. I'm not on FB, so sadly I have no access to Vassallo's very interesting sounding work there.
There are multiple pages dealing with comic book and comic strip history on Facebook, including Michael's work. One can join Facebook just to join those lists only and receive its content. You do not have to do any of the rest if you do not want to. FYI.
my best
-Ray Bottorff Jr
my best
-Ray Bottorff Jr
Hello Allan-
Here's an odd "P"one- "PICKLES" by L. V. Keegan Jnr. Syndicate line:
(Copyright 1921 by L. V. Keegan)Seen in two issues of the News-Dispatch, (Endicott, NY)) 4 Aug 21 & 8 Sep 21. No idea when it starts or stops, or even if it's a daily. It's daily sized.
"Pickles" is a black cariciture character that trades wisecracks with customers at his grocery store. Keegan is a very mediocre cartoonist, and obviously this is a self-synicated series.
Here's an odd "P"one- "PICKLES" by L. V. Keegan Jnr. Syndicate line:
(Copyright 1921 by L. V. Keegan)Seen in two issues of the News-Dispatch, (Endicott, NY)) 4 Aug 21 & 8 Sep 21. No idea when it starts or stops, or even if it's a daily. It's daily sized.
"Pickles" is a black cariciture character that trades wisecracks with customers at his grocery store. Keegan is a very mediocre cartoonist, and obviously this is a self-synicated series.
I find Pickles starting earliest on 5/9/21, and the strip was sometimes numbered, seeming to end at #60. It was sold (or given) to weeklies as well as dailies and was often printed late and out of order.
Thanks for putting me on the case of this one Mark!
Thanks for putting me on the case of this one Mark!
Hello Allan,
While combing through the lists here, I ran into a daily comic strip that appeared in numerous smaller newspapers from the WNU Service from 1936 to 1949, a total of 2,286 Matches on, here are the search results:
Newest example is from June 13, 1949:
Oldest example is from Thursday, September 3, 1936:
my best
-Ray Bottorff Jr
While combing through the lists here, I ran into a daily comic strip that appeared in numerous smaller newspapers from the WNU Service from 1936 to 1949, a total of 2,286 Matches on, here are the search results:
Newest example is from June 13, 1949:
Oldest example is from Thursday, September 3, 1936:
my best
-Ray Bottorff Jr
Peter B. Peeve is an alternate title for Magnus Kettner's cartoons, though somehow that title didn't make it into the book. The 1949 appearance is a red herring I think, that paper did not seem to be subscribing to WNU. As best I can tell Kettner's multi-titled cartoon series ended sometime in 1947.
Here's one I spotted in the dear old Pittsburgh Press:
Polly Pippen by Hugh Chenoweth, Publisher's Syndicate. It's a highly average Blondie knockoff. It's debut was definately 3 May 1943, and it's demise was sometime between 20 May and 7 July 1944, where we find the Press had replaced it with yet another of the same, Dotty Dripple.
Someone has raided the WWII issues in the online Press files, but I found it ran as late as 9 June 1944 in Brooklyn Eagle.The artwork by then does not look like Chenoweth, and it's unsigned.
Polly Pippen by Hugh Chenoweth, Publisher's Syndicate. It's a highly average Blondie knockoff. It's debut was definately 3 May 1943, and it's demise was sometime between 20 May and 7 July 1944, where we find the Press had replaced it with yet another of the same, Dotty Dripple.
Someone has raided the WWII issues in the online Press files, but I found it ran as late as 9 June 1944 in Brooklyn Eagle.The artwork by then does not look like Chenoweth, and it's unsigned.
My end date on Polly Pippen is 6/24/44 based on the Oakland Tribune; the strip was replaced then on the Publishers roster by Dotty Dripple. There was a Sunday, too.
I found "Pee Wee's Pencil" running in The Charlotte News, although they only ran them on Saturdays in the comics section. Again, seems to be an activity comic. Here are samples
I found "Ponder This" in New York Daily News. It's actually a text feature, not a comic. Here are some samples:
I found "Patterson's People" running in The Record (Hackensack, NJ). First spotted in the paper on September 10, 1968. The latest is August 17, 1969
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Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Obscurity of the Day: It Happened In Birdland

Fired by his successful introduction of the Weatherbird feature at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Horace B. "Harry" Martin set his sights on New York. He arrived in 1903 and, surprisingly enough, immediately got a job with the Hearst papers (which is odd since the P-D is a Pulitzer paper -- you would have thought he'd go to work for the World). Other than a few Pulitzer jobs Martin spent most of the next decade turning out material for Hearst, none of it to any particularly great renown.
His longest-running feature was It Happened In Birdland, a return to the Weatherbird character that had spurred his ambition in the first place. As you can see from the samples above the strip was often an accompaniment to a sports editorial cartoon.
When the feature debuted on April 12 1907 in the Evening Journal it was titled A Little Bird Told Him To, but that title was dropped in favor of It Happened In Birdland on April 29. As was typical for the day, though, the feature was often untitled or had a one-off title of the day.
The initial run of the strip ended January 16 1908, and Martin did no series at all for over a year (his sports cartoon may have continued, but my files are mute on that question). Then on February 26 1909 the strip reappeared, this time running on the center stage of the New York American. There the strip ran until September 7 1909.
Thanks again to Cole Johnson, the scanning demon, for these samples.
Labels: Obscurities
very cool...reminds me of Heckle and Jekyll...thanks for some light in the current news tunnel...qloqee
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Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Obscurity of the Day: The Cynic's Corner

Frank was primarily an editorial cartoonist; he worked for the Des Moines Register in the fifties, and then the LA Times in the sixties. Unfortunately I lose track of his career after that -- anyone know what Frank was up to later on?
The Cynic's Corner was drawn using a fascinating double-line technique. I've seen cartoonists employ similar conceits, but Frank Interlandi really used it to great advantage -- the cartoons just seem to pop right off the page. Combine that interesting art with the delightfully pungent gag lines and you have to wonder why in the world this is an obscurity.
My guess is that the Register and Tribune Syndicate's salesmen just didn't push the feature. Perhaps they though the cartoon series was just a sop to the staff editorial cartoonist and of little consequence. 'Tis a shame.
The Cynic's Corner, which was often run as an untitled feature (and the listings in E&P didn't suggest a name) ran from October 12 1953 until sometime in 1956.
Labels: Obscurities
Perhaps the common wisdom of the time saw more humor in depressed, neurotic children (Peanuts) rather than adults. These grown up cynics may have been a little too close for comfort.
While researching the war work of Harvey Kurtzman I found that Frank Interlandi was also the staff cartoonist at the Paris, Texas training camp paper, the Maxey Times.
Here's what I know: He received a fine arts degree from the University of Iowa in the 1950s. He began his career at the Des Moines Register, while pursing a master’s degree. He then worked as the second cartoonist to Paul Conrad at the Los Angeles Times, where he worked from 1962 to 1981. The focus of his work was more social than political. He made his home in Laguna Beach, California for nearly 50 years, moving there around 1962 to be near his brother. His twin brother, Phil Interlandi, was also a cartoonist. He belonged to a group of Laguna Beach cartoonists that met on a regular basis, and included: Virgil (VIP) Partch, John Dempsey, Dick Oldden, Ed Nofziger, Don Tobin and Roger Armstrong. When not cartooning, Interlandi painted. He died on April 4, 2010.
Info from: Steve Greenberg, “Is this the future of local cartooning?,” The Steven Greenberg Blog on Daryl Cagle’s Political Cartoonists Index web site, entry for May 4, 2009, viewed online:, 05/07/2010; Wikipedia entry for Frank Interlandi, viewed online:, 09/22/2010; Dennis McLellan, “Frank Interlandi dies at 85; former L.A. Times editorial cartoonist,” Los Angeles Times, February 10, 2010, viewed online:, 09/22/2010; Barbara Diamond, “The last of a special breed,” Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot, February 11, 2010, viewed online:, 09/22/2010
Sara Duke, Library of Congress
PS - Had the opportunity to talk to him at length in 2006 when Martha and I prepared Cartoon America. Wish I had taken better notes.
Info from: Steve Greenberg, “Is this the future of local cartooning?,” The Steven Greenberg Blog on Daryl Cagle’s Political Cartoonists Index web site, entry for May 4, 2009, viewed online:, 05/07/2010; Wikipedia entry for Frank Interlandi, viewed online:, 09/22/2010; Dennis McLellan, “Frank Interlandi dies at 85; former L.A. Times editorial cartoonist,” Los Angeles Times, February 10, 2010, viewed online:, 09/22/2010; Barbara Diamond, “The last of a special breed,” Laguna Beach Coastline Pilot, February 11, 2010, viewed online:, 09/22/2010
Sara Duke, Library of Congress
PS - Had the opportunity to talk to him at length in 2006 when Martha and I prepared Cartoon America. Wish I had taken better notes.
I remember reading/looking at, and greatly enjoying the Cynic's Corner in the Toledo Blade back in the late fifties and early sixties.
Here's a link that includes a cartoon from 1963:,1464170
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Here's a link that includes a cartoon from 1963:,1464170
Monday, July 06, 2009
Obscurity of the Day: Peter Popple the Prize Pilgrim

Louis M. Glackens is responsible for this entry in Stripper's Guide and he was definitely the less famous of the pair. While William was getting out of the newspaper business in favor of fine art, and making a major name for himself as one of the original Ashcan artists, Louis stuck to cartooning primarily as a regular at the humor magazine Puck. When the magazine hit the skids in the 1910s he shifted his focus to animation work.
Louis' only foray into the newspaper comic strip series field was done far away from his regular stomping grounds of New York and Philadelphia. Perhaps this series, done for the Boston Herald, was his way of testing this new sort of material on the road.
Glackens' Boston Herald strip follows the pattern set by that syndicate of choosing their material based entirely on the quality of the art. Peter Popple, like most Herald strips of the era, was nice to look at but a real stinker in the writing department. The strip was set in pilgrim days and concerns a tubby dullard kid named Peter and his father, Jabez. Jabez is the strict disciplinarian who always manages to make a fool of himself while trying to catch Peter in mischief. The strip, other than the era in which it's set, shares a lot in common with the long-running Boston Globe strip, Fatty Spilliker.
Peter Popple the Prize Pilgrim didn't impress anyone in Boston, despite the traditional Boston setting. The strip ran from May 6 to August 26 1906.
Thanks to Cole Johnson for the scans!
Labels: Obscurities
After reading those two pages and looking closely at the art, I feel as if I've been perusing an alternate universe version of Tintin.
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Sunday, July 05, 2009
Jim Ivey's Sunday Comics

Jim Ivey's new book, Graphic Shorthand, is available from for $19.95 plus shipping, or you can order direct from Ivey for $25 postpaid. Jim Ivey teaches the fundamentals of cartooning in his own inimitable style. The book is 128 pages, coil-bound. Send your order to:
Jim Ivey
5840 Dahlia Dr. #7
Orlando FL 32807
5840 Dahlia Dr. #7
Orlando FL 32807
Also still available, Jim Ivey's career retrospective Cartoons I Liked, available on or direct from Jim Ivey for $20 postpaid. When ordered from Ivey direct, either book will include an original Ivey sketch.
Labels: Jim Ivey's Sunday Comics