Saturday, September 14, 2013
Herriman Saturday
Labels: Herriman's LA Examiner Cartoons
Friday, September 13, 2013
Sci-Friday starring Adam Chase
Adam Chase strip #38, originally published February 19 1967. For background on the strip and creator, refer to this post.
Labels: Adam Chase Sci-Friday
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Unclipped Bound Volumes For Sale by the Stripper
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A portion of the stacks |
The time has come for the Stripper to do some down-sizing. I currently have a room in my home that is primarily devoted to storing newspaper bound volumes. Many of the volumes have had the comic strips clipped out of them, but there are a few big stacks of volumes that are unclipped and pristine.
I spent a few months this spring selling some of the clipped volumes on eBay with relatively good success, and I've sold off well over a hundred of those, making a good dent in the piles. I also experimented with selling the unclipped bound volumes in the last batch of auctions, and they do quite well, too ($40-75 high bids). But running auctions on eBay is time-consuming, and the fees are substantial. So before I go ahead with more auctions, I thought I'd offer the unclipped volumes to you folks, at a price below what you'll be able to get them on eBay.

Minneapolis Tribune: 4/26, 7/30, 7/31, 10/37, 8/38, 3/40, 1-2/44*, 2-3/44*, 10-11/44*, 1-2/45*, 10-11/45*, 11-12/45*, 1/46, 7/46, 8/46, 12/46, 4/47, 5/47, 1/50, 3/50, 5/50, 7/50, 8/50, 9/50, 11/50, 2/51, 3/51, 1/52, 2/52, 4/52, 6/52, 7/52, 8/52, 11/52, 7/53, 9/53, 12/53
Minneapolis Star: 10-11/43*, 10-11/45*, 11-12/45*, 7-8/46*, 1-2/47*, 2-3/47*, 4-5/47*, 5-6/47*, 8/47, 9/47, 10/47, 11/47, 8/51, 11/51, 1/52, 5/52, 3/53, 6/53, 7/53, 10/53, 12/53, 3/54, 5/55, 3/56, 5/65
* month and a half volume
To give you an idea of contents, here are the strips in a few volumes I picked at random:
Minneapolis Star February 17 - March 1947: Dick Tracy, Terry and the Pirates, Bringing Up Father, Winniw Winkle, You Solve It (rare local strip, became Lance Lawson later), Gasoline Alley, Li'l Abner, Jane Arden, Abbie an' Slats, Elmo, The Gumps, Harold Teen, Grin and Bear It, Off the Record, Yesterdays (local panel by Frank Wing)
Minneapolis Star May 1952: Dick Tracy, Mutt and Jeff, Abbie an' Slats, Li'l Abner, Gasoline Alley, Little Orphan Annie, Jane Arden, Terry and the Pirates, Bringing Up Father, Little Debbie, Winnie Winkle, Donald Duck, Mopsy, Peanuts, Grin and Bear It, Off the Record, Double-Take, Just a Moment
Minneapolis Tribune January 1946: Blondie, Popeye, Smilin' Jack, Smitty, Candy, Mary Worth, Mandrake the Magician, Room and Board, Henry, Mopsy, Cuties (billed as Girligraphs in this paper)
Minneapolis Tribune March 1950: Henry, Smorgy (local strip), Steve Canyon, Mary Worth, Blondie, Rip Kirby, Scarlet O'Neil, Candy, Smilin' Jack, Roy Rogers, They'll Do It Every Time, Mopsy, The Man Who, The Neighbors, Bobby Sox.
Minneapolis Tribune March 1951: Henry, Smorgy (local strip), Steve Canyone, Mary Worth, Blondie, Rip Kirby, Scarlet O'Neil, Sandy Hill, Smilin' Jack, Mark Trail, The Neighbors, They'll Do It Every Time, Bobby Sox

If you are interested in purchasing some or all of these bound volumes please contact me directly ( I am thinking that a price of $30 each per volume is a really good bargain (I often get that much for clipped volumes on eBay!), and I may sweeten the deal a bit further if you wanted all of them. You are, of course, responsible for shipping costs, which I can estimate for you if you send me your address. If you are in Florida, save the shipping by coming to pick them up, or if you are someplace I wouldn't mind spending the day, I might just be willing to deliver them for gas money.
PS: if you are interested in clipped volumes from the 1890s to 1970s, that still offer great headlines, ads, movies, celebrities, sports, etc, etc, etc, at bargain prices, let me know and I'll send you my next list. Some bound volumes available for as little as $5!
I contacted the Minneapolis (Hennepin County) library system in hopes they will contact you to buy the lot of these treasures for their collection. I sure hope they do... it is a shame to have such a collection get spread out all over the place. I sure hope they contact you (and if they get them, they treat them with a whole lot more respect than their predecessors)! Good luck with your sale, regardless... may they all find a good home. Hope all is well with you.
Libraries claim (oh so wrongly) that there is no use for them once they have been microfilmed.
Clearly this was a betrayal of the public trust in libraries, so why trust them again? Good question. I guess I am probably wrongheadedly optimistic that librarians of today may be more enlightened about their treatment of old books of newspapers post-Nicholson Baker's excellent book Double Fold. Hopefully more care is being taken today in digitizing old books than was taken in microfilming them (I know Google has a machine that scans without destroying books, although I doubt it is built to handle giant tomes of old newsprint).
I put a plea in my message to the library that these were in need of preservation, and should be housed in special collections if acquired. I've no idea if such pleas would be heeded, of course.
I hope they found a good home to be preserved in... ideally one where they can be appreciated by the public.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Ink-Slinger Profiles: Jeff Keate
In the 1930s Keate moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan (his father’s birthplace) to attend college. Next, he enrolled in the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts and graduated in 1936. He was listed in the 1936 Grand Rapids City Directory: “Keate Robt J cartoonist r215 Paris av SE”. In the 1939 directory he had replaced Robert with Jeff.
According to American Newspaper Comics (2012), Keate was the writer on the strip Filbur McFudd, which was drawn by Leland S. McClelland. It debuted November 1, 1937. Keate was named twice along with several cartoonists in a 1938 or 1939 issue Judge magazine.
The 1940 U.S. Federal Census recorded Keate in Chicago, Illinois at 30 West Chicago Avenue. He was a cartoonist who had two years of college. On August 14, 1940, Keate became a naturalized citizen of the United States. During his time in Chicago he dated Phyllis Diller as reported in the Vancouver Sun, June 18, 1962:
She admitted she once was quite enamored of ex-Vancouver cartoonist Jeff Keate.
That was when he was writing gags, didn’t own a typewriter of his own and used to sit up all night using the machine in the office of the Lawson YMCA in Chicago, where he lived.
Another version was in Diller’s book, Like a Lampshade in a Whorehouse (2006):
My next relationship was with a cartoonist called Jeff Keate, who specialized in sports cartoons on which he’d work all night long. When I’d arrive for the breakfast shift at the Lawson building at six in the morning, he would be in a nearby office mailing out his night’s Work. That’s how we got acquainted, and soon we began dating….
A short time later, when I returned from a visit to Lima, Jeff dropped me for a girl who he was probably screwing. We’d nevertheless remain lifelong friends, and he would end up marrying three times. The first wife reportedly met with his family’s approval, but thereafter it was downhill all the way, and his last marriage was to a butchlooking pianist whom I met while we were both performing on the Dutch cruise ship Prinsendam. She was about six foot one and had the face of a bulldog. I’ve still got letters from Jeff in which he wrote, “Oh, if I had only married you when I was young…” He realized what a big help I would have been, especially with my interest in comedy.
Keate sold cartoons to various periodicals. He was the writer on Dotty Dripple, which ran from June 26 to October 14, 1944. His career took off when he moved in 1945 to New York City. A 1946 Manhattan City Directory listed him at 321 East 43rd Street.
He was one of seven contributors to Today’s Laugh, which began September 1, 1947 with his art. In 1946 and 1947, the panel, Time Out, was drawn by Berger and Keate; they alternated days or weeks at a time. Keate took over from 1948 to 1984. He advertised for gags in the Writer’s Market 1975 and 1980:
Jeff Keate, 8 Maple Grove, Westport CT 06880. Cartoonist since 1936. Interested in general situation and timely gags, sports gags (all sports in season) for “Time Out” sports panel and “Today’s Laugh,” general situation panel. “Be Funny. No puns. No oldies. No old hat situations.” Has sold all of the major publications over the past 30 years. Currently doing syndicated newspaper cartoon panels for Publishers-Hall Syndicate and Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate. Pays 25% commission. Bought close to 200 gags from freelancers last year. Holds unsold gags for “approximately 2 years unless gagwriter requests gag back sooner.” Returns rejected material immediately. Enclose SASE for return of submissions.
Jeff Keate, l322 Ensenada Dr., Orlando FL 32807. Cartoonist since 1936. Buys 193 gags/year; sold about 500 cartoons last year. Has sold all of the major publications over the past 30 years. Currently doing syndicated newspaper cartoon panels for Field Newspaper Syndicate. Pays 25% commission. Holds unsold gags for “approximately 2 years unless gagwriter requests gag back sooner.” Returns rejected material “immediately.” SASE. Needs: General situation and timely gags, sports gags (all sports in season), for “Time Out” sports panel. “Be funny. No puns. No oldies. No old hat situations.”
Some of his comic book credits are here, and an interest in jazz is revealed here. A photograph of Ben Thompson, Keate, and Mort Walker at the 1965 Connecticut Cartoonists Gold Tournament is here.
Public records at show that he resided in Florida, at various times, in Nokomis, Orlando and Venice. According to the Social Security Death Index, Keate passed away May 22, 1995. His last known residence was Nokomis.
Labels: Ink-Slinger Profiles
Can someone there provide me with an email address where I can send the photo? I would like to get more information about it. Thank you.
This included two new strips it seems found no where else, including a dog humor comic by Jeff Keate called Rufus.
-Ray Bottorff Jr
Monday, September 09, 2013
Obscurity of the Day: Rufus
Finally off the list of mystery strips is Rufus by Jeff Keate. I have posted two Editor & Publisher articles claiming the existence of this strip on the blog (7/29/1950 and 8/19/1950), but only recently found a few examples.
Rufus was a filler added to the line-up of the New York Sunday News Sunday funnies section on September 17 1950. This strip, along with a new Sunday version of Salo Roth's Laughing Matter and a few properties that had previously been edged out of the section, formed the extra pages needed to move the section from 16 to 24 pages. If I understand E&P correctly, this expanded section was only included in the national edition of the Sunday News, not the New York City edition.
Although E&P indicated that Rufus was offered for syndication, this seems unlikely. News Syndicate didn't, as far as I know, attempt to syndicate any of the fillers that were added to the Sunday News line-up, and there were quite a few of them in the 1950s and 60s.
My samples of Rufus are all from November 1950, and this may be about as long as the rather flat dog strip ran. Does anyone have later samples?
EDIT 10/18/20: With the aid of Michael J. Vassallo's NY Daily News collection, it appears that the running dates for Rufus were 9/17/1950 - 1/14/1951.
Labels: Obscurities
From the July 29, 1950 issue of EDITOR & PUBLISHER:
"In a bid for more pre-date sales, the New York Sunday News will add eight extra comic pages Sept. 17 for circulation outside the metropolitan area, Executive Editor Richard W. Clarke disclosed. The move will provide a minimum of a 24-page comic section for the country edition."
"The additional pages will include four Chicago Tribune - New York News Syndicate strips: "Timmy," by Howard Sparber, "Aggie Mack" by Hal Rasmusson, "Texas Slim" by Ferd Johnson; and "Harold Teen" by Carl Ed. The News had dropped "Harold Teen" to make room for the "Hopalong Cassidy," Los Angeles Mirror Enterprises comic. Two pages are being drawn especially for the expanded section: "Laughing Matter" by Salo, who does the daily panel for the syndicate; and "Rufus," new dog page by Jeff Keate."
Doc V.
Sunday, September 08, 2013
Jim Ivey's Sunday Comics
I've seen your blog has a high resolution scan of Mischievous Willie prototype 4/30/1899 that says courtesy Cole Johnson. Could you get me in touch with him. I'm working as a research assistant for Maastricht University p.t. and trying to clear copyrights for a volume on children's media history edited by Prof. Lies Wesseling.
Kind regards,
Dr. Helle S Jensen (