Saturday, February 02, 2008
Herriman Saturday

Labels: Herriman's LA Examiner Cartoons
Friday, February 01, 2008
Obscurity of the Day: Honor Eden

The 44-year old Jack Sparling created the new strip in 1960 and he apparently thought this was going to be the big one after a string of less than stellar syndicated outings. Alas, 'twas not to be. Between a weak syndicate, snappy patter that was probably unintelligible to most of the newspaper-reading public, and a subject that was similar to an already successful strip (On Stage) and Honor Eden didn't stand much of a chance.
As capsulized in the promo above, Honor Eden was a housemother to a group of girls trying to make it in the big city.
The strip started either in January 1960 (according to Leiffer and Ware's E&P index) or April 11 1960 (the start date in my samples from the San Francisco Chronicle). The strip was advertised in E&P until 1963 but good luck finding any that late -- this is one very elusive strip. One reference claims that the feature lasted until 1972, which is patently ridiculous.
Hello, Allan----I would assume this strip didn't begin in January, and that April 11 was indeed the start date. The three examples the syndicate provided are dated April 11,12, and 13. These have to be the first three dailies, as they are pure "situation exposition", introducing names, the building, where they came from, the boyfriend, etc, etc.--------Cole Johnson, playing his zither.
I wonder if Will Eisner, who was at tat time running McClure, was in any way involved. He always said he ddn't do much in comics and was prouder of his success in securing certain columnists. But then again, he wasn't the man to mention his failures...
Or ws he there later? He was with Bell-McClure...
Or ws he there later? He was with Bell-McClure...
I came across this post when I found a quote about this strip in an online biography of Alex Kotzky. There they state that the start of Apartment 3G was postponed eight months because of a 'similar soapy' called Honor Eden - which doesn't seem to imply a long run. For what it's worth: on Google News I found the strip in the Ottowa Citizen. They have a spotty collection in March and no April issues, but the strip is not there in late March and it is in early May. The last one they ran was on September the 10th, at the end of a storylne, with the last panel indicating the start of a new one.
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Thursday, January 31, 2008
News of Yore: Walt Kelly Profiled - 1952

Walt Kelly Is Named Cartoonist of Year
By Erwin Knoll (E&P,4/26/52)
In a smoke-filled room in Darien, Conn., a deceptively mild-looking man named Walter Crawford Kelly, Jr., is grooming a dark-horse Presidential candidate. The candidate hails from the deep South—the Okefenokee swamp in Georgia, as a matter of fact—but he isn't a Democrat. Nor a Republican either.
And though he hasn't yet declared his intention to run, "Pogo for President" clubs are being formed all over the country and "I Go Pogo" buttons will soon be seen on every college campus.
Reason we mention all this at this time, besides the obvious political overtones, is the fact that Walt Kelly, who draws "Pogo" for Post-Hall Syndicate, has just been named outstanding cartoonist of the year by his colleagues in the National Cartoonists Society. The sixth annual Billy DeBeck Award, given in honor of the late creator of "Barney Google," was presented to Mr. Kelly Wednesday night at the Society's ANPA Convention dinner.
Campus Boosters
But to get back to politics, the "Pogo for President" movement seems to be here to stay. The strip, which in less than three years of syndication has built an impressive list of over 250 newspapers, has from the first found its greatest fans among the collegiate set, and it was on the campus that the Presidential boom began. Early this year political bids started showing up in Mr. Kelly's ample fan mail—over 100 letters a week. And several weeks ago Mr. Kelly took formal note of the movement in a letter to some of his campus fans. The letter said, in part:
"It seems a lot of college people want Pogo for President. Nobody has made it clear what they want him President of, but presumably they don't want him for President of Nicaragua or even of General Motors—though they are both nice outfits, no offense.
"What we have come up with is the suspicion that Pogo is in demand for the job of President of these United States. That is, no large party has come out for him unless you count a large party named Harold from Cornell, but many college groups have been demanding something tangible:
some sign, some word, a campaign button, a free trip to Europe. Anything that would indicate Pogo is available would do."
Mr. Kelly has ruled out the free trip to Europe, but the campaign button is in the works. So far, requests for 50,000 buttons have been received.
Walt Kelly is no newcomer to the stresses and strains of a political campaign. In 1948, while working for the late New York Star as art director, political cartoonist and editorial advisor, he drew a series of devastating "mechanical man" cartoons of Governor Thomas E. Dewey, depicting the Republican candidate as an adding machine, a cash register, a tank, a music box and just about every other mechanical device. The cartoons received nationwide attention and were widely reprinted.
'Nature's Screechers'
It was while working for the Star that Mr. Kelly, in his capacity as art director, directed himself to launch the daily "Pogo" strip. He took his cast of talking animals—they call themselves "nature's screechers"—from a series of children's comic books he had been doing since 1943. (Before that he had worked for Walt Disney Studios for six years.) He still does four "Pogo" comic books a year.
The new strip caught on with Star readers, but the paper didn't stick around long enough to benefit. When the Star folded in January, 1949, the New York Post saw a good thing and took "Pogo" on. Several months later, Post-Hall Syndicate started distributing it nationally, and added a Sunday page. The list of papers hasn't stopped growing since.
Fanatic Fans
Editors who try dropping "Pogo" —several have made the attempt— invariably find the strip has an almost fanatic claque of fans, who usually succeed in getting it restored to the comics page. Mr. Kelly himself is at a loss to explain this great enthusiasm.
"I try to comment on the passing scene," he says, "and get people to stop taking themselves and the world quite as seriously as they seem to be doing. It's a good thing, these days, to make people relax and feel that there's always tomorrow. The Okefenokee swamp, where Pogo and his friends live, is a land of its own, enabling readers to escape into another environment for a few seconds every day. But after all, these are things that so many comic strips try to do, and most of them succeed."
Some of "Pogo's" special appeal may be in the almost hypnotic weirdness of the dialogue, a synthesis of Elizabethan English, French, Negro and Indian dialects heavily interspersed with outrageous puns. Mr. Kelly is a student of languages and a former civilian employee of the Army's Foreign Language Unit. The "Pogo" dialect is definitely not genuine Okefenokee talk, since Mr. Kelly has never been to the swamp country.
Poison Pun
But "Pogo's" main asset is undoubtedly the friendly satire which spares no institution from Mr. Kelly's poison pun. His credo when he launched his cartooning career was: "I just want to be friendly and maybe make a buck at it." At 38, Mr. Kelly seems to be succeeding pretty well on both counts.
Labels: New of Yore
How I miss reading Pogo! It was partly responsible for teaching me to have such a whack sense of humor about politics and life!!
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Obscurity of the Day: Bible Stories

Here is Smith's only 'standard' comic strip, Bible Stories. He did some continued magazine cover series and occasionally contributed to Hearst's daily romantic cartoon series, but this is the only one I know of in daily strip format (though it was a weekly).
Bible strips came into vogue starting in the 1920s when cartoonists began to look for niche subjects for their wares. There were radio strips for the radio page, romance cartoons for the womens page, sports strips for the sports page. Religious strips for the weekly church pages were a natural, and quite a few came and went over the years.
Dan Smith's Bible Stories was one of the less successful entries in the market (by the way, it never actually ran with that title - it was only used in marketing). In Hearst's San Francisco Examiner it started on June 10 1933 and ran until August 31 1935. Smith handed off the creative chores to Don Komisarow for the final month and a half of the run. The stories were generally short and the art (if a newspaper actually managed to print it clearly) was spectacular. Here are the stories titles; dates are from the Examiner which evidently didn't run the series strictly according to Hoyle since the proof dates don't match up properly (revised later, see below):
The examples displayed above are from proofs. I regret that there is absolutely no way to give you a sense of Smith's art through these scans, but computer monitors, just like newspapers, do no justice to the art of Dan Smith.
A big tip of the Stripper's triregnum to Cole Johnson who provided the samples.
EDIT 10/31/19: Further research uncovered a complete run of this strip in the Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph, in which the dates match proof dates, and adds a second story by Don Komisarow. Here is the revisedstory list and dating:
Title | Start Date | End Date | # Strips |
Life of Samson, Strong Man of the Bible | 3/4/33 | 4/15/1933 | 7 |
The Story of Queen Esther | 4/22/1933 | 7/1/1933 | 10 |
The Story of Joseph | 7/8/1933 | 9/23/1933 | 12 |
The Story of Ruth | 9/30/1933 | 10/28/1933 | 5 |
The Story of David | 11/4/1933 | 3/10/34 | 19 |
The Story of Solomon | 3/17/1934 | 4/14/1934 | 5 |
The Story of Jezebel | 4/21/1934 | 5/26/1934 | 6 |
The Story of Salome | 6/2/1934 | 6/30/1934 | 5 |
The Story of Elijah | 7/7/1934 | 7/28/1934 | 4 |
The Story of Jael | 8/4/1934 | 9/1/1934 | 5 |
The Story of Abraham | 9/8/1934 | 10/27/1934 | 8 |
The Story of Cain | 11/3/1934 | 12/1/1934 | 5 |
The Story of the Holy Child | 12/8/1934 | 12/29/1934 | 4 |
The Story of Moses | 1/5/1935 | 3/30/1935 | 13 |
The Story of Noah (Komisarow) | 4/6/1935 | 5/25/1935 | 8 |
The Story of Jacob (Komisarow) | 6/1/1935 | 8/24/1935 | 13 |
Labels: Obscurities
Hi Allan;
What an interesting blog you have!
I just stumbled upon it and have to say your description in the article is really quite compelling, I can feel your passion for this kind of art.
I am amazed at the detail work on the large left panel of “The Story of Solomon”.
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What an interesting blog you have!
I just stumbled upon it and have to say your description in the article is really quite compelling, I can feel your passion for this kind of art.
I am amazed at the detail work on the large left panel of “The Story of Solomon”.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Obscurity of the Day: Adventures of Powder Pete

Pease went to the Klondike in the 1890s gold rush and from then on styled himself something of a frontiersman. That made it a natural subject when he created a comic strip for the Newark paper in 1926, a lighthearted strip about a grizzled pioneer, treasure-hunter and adventurer. Adventures of Powder Pete began on March 29 1926 and ended on October 2 of the same year. The samples above include the first and the last strips.
A hearty tip of the Stripper's ten gallon hat to Sara Duke at the Library of Congress who provided samples and information about this rare strip.
Fun Fact: Lute's real first name was Lucius.
Labels: Obscurities
My name is Gayle & I have acquired 123 of Lute Pease's metal comic plates depicting Power Pete, Slim & sal (his boro). I believe that the strip is from Lost in the Artic (not 100%). I am listing the entire 123 plates on Ebay under the user name ICECREAMWITHSPRINKLES If interested in purchasing them, take a look! You can also email me at with any questions.
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Obscurity of the Day: Over Here - Over There

Over Here - Over There began (in the few papers that started it on time) on April 6 1927, exactly ten years after the U.S. entered the war. And for the few papers that stuck with the series to the bitter end, the feature ended on September 29 1928, a decade to the day after the armistice was signed. In the interim Henderson described the war in exacting detail over the span of 407 comic strip installments. The strip was syndicated by the Register & Tribune Syndicate.
Those good with dates will wonder how the number of strips meshes with the start and end dates. There should be a total of 465 strips if the series ran continuously. Unfortunately I don't have a satisfactory answer to that because I have had no luck finding a paper that started the strip on time and stuck with it until the end. My information is cobbled together from several different papers (specifically, the Oakland Tribune, the Jackson Daily News, the Nashville Tennessean), none from which I have a complete unbroken run. My best guess is that the strip took occasional vacations during its run.
Ernest Henderson was starting on his next comic strip brainchild, Flying To Fame, three months before Over Here-Over There ended.
Labels: Obscurities
Hey, you're right! Only Bulgaria signed an armistice on 9/29. Well that shoots my assumption that the end of the strip was timed to coincide with the end of the war. Unless Henderson was a Bulgarian...
Unless I'm mistaken, there have been some interesting amendments to the wording in "Setting the Stage": AGITATION seems to have replaced a shorter word, IN replaces a longer word, and SET UP probably replaces a single short word. I wonder what it said originally, and why it was changed. At what stage would it have been changed? The changes look a bit makeshift: could it be a local paper that did it in this instance?
Hi Lyn -
Probably changes made by the syndicate editor. I checked this tearsheet against another run and the text is the same. This sort of thing isn't uncommon, especially since cartoonists seem to be genetically prone to be bad spellers.
Probably changes made by the syndicate editor. I checked this tearsheet against another run and the text is the same. This sort of thing isn't uncommon, especially since cartoonists seem to be genetically prone to be bad spellers.
No help on the end date or the interruptions, but the starting date was actually April 4, not April 6, as can be seen in the Spokane Daily Chronicle at
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Sunday, January 27, 2008
Jim Ivey's Sunday Comics

Order Jim Ivey's new book Cartoons I Liked at or order direct from Ivey and get the book autographed with a free original sketch.
Labels: Jim Ivey's Sunday Comics