Saturday, August 03, 2024


One-Shot Wonders: The Bill Poster and The Kid by Carl Anderson, 1897


A very special guest star makes an appearance in this one-shot strip by Carl Anderson. It ran in the New York Journal on January 24 1897.


Hmmm… comic strip by Carl Anderson, a bald kid who doesn’t speak. I’m guessing, Henry?
In "Backstage", a 1919 two-reeler starring Fatty Arbuckle, he uses almost the same gag. A small boy keeps standing in the way as Fatty tries to post a poster; he gets fed up and pastes the boy up to get him out of the way. A little later he pulls the kid down, and wraps him in a poster to cover the portion of pants left on the wall. Probably not traceable directly to this; there were plenty of gags about billposters in various media.
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