Monday, October 17, 2005
Weekend Research Trip

I went to the University of Florida on Saturday for a day of research. I completed my Christian Science Monitor index, which will be the source material for an article in the next issue of Hogan's Alley. In addition I continued my indexing of the Washington Post which I currently have indexed from 1936 to present. I got back to 1932 with no finds that really get into the momentous category, but here are some tidbits:
* found a run of the advertising-underwritten strip The Story Of Our Country in 1935. The closed-end strip ran 78 episodes. This is the only strip I've found from the Globe Feature Syndicate.
* found a start date for Are You Superstitious, a panel cartoon that was locally produced special for the Washington Post.
* also a start date on the weekly panel Now I Know, a Believe It Or Not type that ran only on Sundays in the kids section. I never found a syndicate stamp, but since it is by Robert Pilgrim I'm guessing that it was produced by Bell Syndicate.
* found a start date for the second run of Joe And Asbestos. The original run was in 1923-26, then it came back in 1932. It is a racing tip strip following in the tradition of A. Piker Clerk and A. Mutt. The numbers printed in the first panel are 'lucky numbers' for the numbers games that were populaar in those days.
* found Oddly Enough, a local interest strip produced, obviously, for newspapers in and around Washington. Weird part is that a feature of the same name was produced for Philadelphia papers in 1932-34. But that one was a weekly panel (this one is a daily) and by a different cartoonist. Not sure if there is any relation or if it is just a coincidence.