Saturday, December 10, 2005
Pastis Pastiche

I recently loaned my copy of Sergeant Piggy's Lonely Hearts Club Comic, a reprint collection of Stephan Pastis' Pearls Before Swine, to my pal Jim Ivey. I remarked to him that I really loved what Pastis did in the book; he wrote short comments to go along with many of the strips. I think all comic strip reprint books would really benefit from such a feature, or at the very least give fans a reason to buy the books as opposed to reading the strip's archives online.
Anyway, Jim read the book and in reaction did the above doodled satire of the strip collection's commentary. Jim's takeoff strip is called Swill o' the Wisp. If you haven't read the reprint book you probably won't get much of the humor here, but hey, Pearls Before Swine is a pretty good strip, and the reprint book is pretty cool, so go buy it. Then come back and yuck it up with the rest of us.