Thursday, December 29, 2005
Tad Pokes Fun at the Boys in the Bullpen

Some of my favorite cartoons are those in which the cartoonist gives us a peek into their lives at the drawing-board. Here we have a very early Tad Dorgan Indoor Sports cartoon from November 1913 in which we glimpse the banter that goes on in the cartoonist's bullpen. I wonder if any of the cartoonists shown here are caricatures of the fellows who inhabited the New York Journal's bullpen with Tad?
Regarding Indoor Sports, I don't have a start date for it though I'm pretty sure it started in 1913. I've read in some references claims as early as 1910, though. Jeffrey Lindenblatt has indexed the New York Journal where I believe the feature appeared, but he lists Tad's non-strip contributions only as untitled editorial cartoons, so we can't tell from that.