Tuesday, January 31, 2006
A Second Helping of Gluyas Williams

Here's another three wonderful panels by clean-line artist extraordinaire Gluyas Williams. If this whets your appetite for more, there are a few reprint books available that, though out of print, are reasonably priced. I recommend The Best of Gluyas Williams (Dover), The Gluyas Williams Gallery (Harpers), or Fellow Citizens (Doubleday). All are readily available on ABE at reasonable prices (here's a link to the listings). Of course, Williams' work also appears in most of Robert Benchley's books, and I give those my uber-highest recommendation. One of the greatest writers of the 20th century in my opinion, unfairly dismissed by the intelligentsia because he chose to concentrate on writing humor. His prose is as tight and punchy as anything by that Hemingway fellow. If you appreciate good writing and haven't read Benchley you really are missing out on a very pleasurable experience.