Saturday, February 04, 2006
Lost And Found Part II

Here's the other series that ran in the San Francisco Bulletin in 1903. The 'official' title, the one used most often, was The Adventures of Ping and Pong. This one's by a fellow named R.O. Yardley. He not only did this series but a lot of the one-shot color comics that ran in the Bulletin that year. This series ran from February 1 to March 15, missing only one week in that interval.
Tomorrow we'll have one last 1903 Bulletin item - probably the very first newspaper appearance by a cartoonist whose name would appear on the nation's comics pages daily for the next half century.
R. O. Yardley would be Ralph O. Yardley.
Known by me for his Stockton Record work - for years after he died The Record
still ran a panel by him called "Bygones".
Don't know if it ran during his life or
if they just took his old illustrations
and reproduced them under that title.
Known by me for his Stockton Record work - for years after he died The Record
still ran a panel by him called "Bygones".
Don't know if it ran during his life or
if they just took his old illustrations
and reproduced them under that title.
Thanks for the ID and the link, DD! As much newspaper work as he did, I'm kinda surprised that I don't recall ever hearing of him.
The Haggin Museum has 1,200 original drawings by Yardley--all from his DO YOU REMEMBER series that ran from shortly after he joined the STOCKTON RECORD in 1922 up through his retirement in 1952. These were later republished in the late 1960s as BYGONES. We also have an illustrated bio of Ralph, along with a number of print examples of some of his SF comics and Sunday Supplement work.
Tod Ruhstaller
CEO/Curator of History
The Haggin Museum
Stockton, CA
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Tod Ruhstaller
CEO/Curator of History
The Haggin Museum
Stockton, CA