Thursday, March 09, 2006
Burne Hogarth's Pieces of Eight Part I

As discussed in a December post (see it here), I finally found a printed run of Montfort Amory's Pieces Of Eight strip in the Gainesville Sun, but could offer you folks no samples as the microfilm viewers I was using lacked print capability. Now, courtesy of Leonardo de Sa, I can share with you a few weeks of Burne Hogarth's work on that strip. De Sa, lucky fellow, actually found a few weeks worth of syndicate proof sheets of the strip, and he is nice enough to share them with us. Thanks Leonardo!
I'll present the first week's worth today, the rest tomorrow. This first week from November is not signed by Hogarth, but there's no question that it's him. The second week, from December, is signed. Enjoy!
Hi Michael --Nice find, but the strip ran for over two years, so 131 strips is nowhere near 'all' of them. --Allan Holtz
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