Thursday, May 04, 2006
One of my Secret Weapons

My hat is off to anyone who can keep straight all the newspapers of New York City. I know I can't. This nifty little chart shows a complete capsule history of the comings and goings of New York City papers for 1900-1967, and I for one couldn't live without it. Anyone doing research on comic strips, for which New York is the eye of the storm, will find this invaluable.
I wish I could give credit to whoever created this thing, but I got it second-hand as a photocopy (I can't even remember who gave it to me; perhaps Jeffrey Lindenblatt?). If anyone knows where this was originally published, please let me know so I can give proper credit.
The image here, even at full size, is still quite small. If anyone would like a larger TIF scan suitable for printing please email me and I'll send a copy to you.
So I'm wondering what a chart like that
would look like if we replaced "New York
Newspapers" with, say, "C. W. Kahles"?
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would look like if we replaced "New York
Newspapers" with, say, "C. W. Kahles"?