Sunday, December 31, 2006
More Fox Features Marketing
Fox Names Albright (E&P, 1/27/40)
Victor S. Fox, president, Fox Feature Syndicate, New York, announced this week the appointment of H. W. Albright, formerly mid-Western manager for Western Newspaper Union, as manager of the Western division of FFS, with offices in Kansas City, Mo.
Mr. Albright will handle the sale and production for the Fox process color comic page weekly and all other FFS features, Mr. Fox said. He also announced that Mr. Albright and himself have completed arrangements with Orville S. McPherson, publisher, Kansas City (Mo.) Journal, to print the process color comic section for the Western territory in Kansas City, thus furnishing faster service to newspapers.
New Daily Strip (E&P, 2/3/40)
Fox Feature Syndicate announced this week that one of its Sunday features, "Rex Dexter of Mars," will be offered in daily strip form in five and six column sizes March 4. Author of the feature is Dick Briefer, who studied at the Art Students' League, New York, and who is now an art teacher in the Thomas Jefferson high school, New York.
February 10, 1940

February 24, 1940

March 9, 1940

March 30, 1940