Wednesday, January 03, 2007
News of Yore: 1940 Short Items from E&P

Beck Now with McNaught
As a result of a mutually agreeable arrangement just concluded between Richard H. Waldo, editor, McClure Newspaper Syndicate, and Charles V. McAdam, president, McNaught Syndicate, the well-known daily panel "All In a Lifetime" by Frank Beck will be handled exclusively by McNaught starting Jan. 8, McNaught and McClure Syndicates jointly announced this week.
As a result of a mutually agreeable arrangement just concluded between Richard H. Waldo, editor, McClure Newspaper Syndicate, and Charles V. McAdam, president, McNaught Syndicate, the well-known daily panel "All In a Lifetime" by Frank Beck will be handled exclusively by McNaught starting Jan. 8, McNaught and McClure Syndicates jointly announced this week.
Cartoonist Beck, whose specialty is portraying dogs, will also produce for McNaught a new daily and Sunday comic strip entitled "Bo," the joint announcement also said. The title character is a typical, everyday dog. The feature will have both pathos and humor in its continuity.
The first release date for the strip is Jan. 22 and "Bo" will appear then in the Washington (D. C.) Star, Pittsburgh Press, Indianapolis Star, Cincinnati Times-Star, and others.
National Signs New Strip
Edwin Balmer and Philip Wylie, novelists, have signed a contract with National Newspaper Service, Chicago, to write an adventure strip entitled "Speed Spaulding." Forty-six newspapers have already contracted for the new feature, according to John Dille, president of the syndicate. Commenting upon the new adventure strip, Mr. Dille stated:
Edwin Balmer and Philip Wylie, novelists, have signed a contract with National Newspaper Service, Chicago, to write an adventure strip entitled "Speed Spaulding." Forty-six newspapers have already contracted for the new feature, according to John Dille, president of the syndicate. Commenting upon the new adventure strip, Mr. Dille stated:
"The day when entertainment value can be the sole factor of appeal is gone. The important new note in adventure strip development is the inclusion of educational material without the sacrifice of entertainment value. Every reader of 'Speed Spaulding' will get, along with a highly interesting story, important educational material in astronomy, geology, psychology, though it will wear no such formidable labels."
Dog Strip’s Debut
"Scotty the Wonder Dog", a new adventure comic strip, will make its national debut as a daily feature on March 25 through the Matz Feature Syndicate, Reading, Pa., Ralph S. Matz, sales manager, announced this week. The new strip is drawn by Larson and Reed. (Allan's note: has anyone a sample of this strip? Anyone know if Matz was associated with a Reading newspaper?)
"Scotty the Wonder Dog", a new adventure comic strip, will make its national debut as a daily feature on March 25 through the Matz Feature Syndicate, Reading, Pa., Ralph S. Matz, sales manager, announced this week. The new strip is drawn by Larson and Reed. (Allan's note: has anyone a sample of this strip? Anyone know if Matz was associated with a Reading newspaper?)
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