More from Jim Ivey's photo album:

Jim shares some words of wisdom and encouragement with an aspiring cartoonist at the grand opening of the Cartoon Museum in 1967. A scene that was replayed thousands of times over the years (and no, not just with this guy).

St. Petersburg Times cartoonist and writer Dick Bothwell with Jim at the 1967 grand opening. Jim speaks softly but carries a big stick. That stick, by the way, was carved by McKee Barclay of the Baltimore Sun and features caricatures of political figures.
Jim and Dick Hodgins Sr. compare sizes at the Cartoon Museum in 1977. Yeah right, Dick.

Disney artist Ralph Kent (foreground) being introduced by Ivey at the 1974 Orlandocon. Kent fights his way through autograph seekers to get to the lectern. He swears they're not his kids.
Ivey publicity photo from the St. Petersburg Times circa 1955. Jim was worked like a dog there in his first years, producing a paper that seemed to have an Ivey spot drawing or cartoon on every page. Poor guy didn't even have time to light his cigar.

Group portrait at Orlandocon 1979. You've already been introduced to a lot of these folks, a few you haven't are Fred Wagner at extreme left, actors Bob Cummings and Kirby "Sky King" Grant crouched in front holding Ignatz bricks, and caricaturist Jack Rosen (father of hotelier Harris Rosen) far right holding paper.

Washington Post editorial cartoonist Herblock pays a visit to Jim at the St. Petersburg Times in 1958. Ivey sports a pompadour that was, thankfully, not a long term choice.

Zack Mosley with a fan at Orlandocon 1978. "Dude, like, Smilin' Jack totally rocks!"
Jim Ivey gets shafted on meeting Satchmo. Louis Armstrong visits the St. Petersburg Times in 1956 to be presented with an Ivey caricature, but Jim was on assignment at the state capital that day, so cartoonist Arnie Mossler presents the piece to the jazz legend.
Labels: Jim Ivey's Photo Album
# posted by Allan Holtz @ 9:58 AM