Saturday, March 15, 2008
Herriman Saturday

On the 12th (second cartoon from the top) Herriman makes the case for Los Angeles annexing the community of San Pedro. In 1906 LA had annexed a long strip of land adjacent to the community, and it seemed only a matter of time until San Pedro would be gobbled up. And it was -- the community was annexed in 1910.
On the 13th, in addition to the comic strip about motoring in the rain, Herriman produces an unusual boxing cartoon in which the faces of the two boxers' portraits are pasted-in photos. The cartooned body on Abe Attell is so misshapen I could hear Herriman calling to me from on high to please omit this cartoon. Not believing in an afterlife I chose to ignore his pleas. Sorry George.
Finally on the 14th Herriman continues his crusade for a safer LA gas supply, now suggesting that the city should take over the service and build a new plant.
Labels: Herriman's LA Examiner Cartoons