Thursday, May 08, 2008
Dell Publishing's "The Funnies" Part 12

Frosty Aire is by Joe Archibald, who had a vigorous, only semi-professional style. While his art wasn't going to win any awards, he was a pretty good writer. The gag here is surprisingly subtle considering the venue. Archibald kicked around with the smaller syndicates, mainly in the twenties. At the moment I happen to be trying to make sense of his panel cartoon Why Boys Leave Home. It was advertised only in the 1926 E&P listings as being from the Wheeler-Nicholson syndicate and credited to 'Davidson'. Yet the only examples of the strip I can find are from 1930, syndicated by McClure, and credited to Joe Archibald. Huh???
Labels: Dell's The Funnies
Just wondering if you have seen any examples or reprints of Baldy Benton's work of the late 1940's, "Jasper Jooks." I've been searching the web without too much success.
Sure have seen Jasper Jooks, and it's a real pip, too. There are no reprints that I'm aware of.
Hello Allan-
It would seem that the McClure "Why Boys Leave Home" by Joe Archibald was a short-run series. I've been looking over many papers, and it seems to be around only as early as October 1930 and as late as August 1931, Saw only one assigned a date, and it was very out-of-date. I believe though it bears the McClure copyright,it seems intended to be licensed or co-opted for WNU, where it is always found as part of a WNU boilerplate page along with "Girligags", generic Underwood & Underwood non-news photos and the truss and Feen-a-mint ads. Sometimes the feature bears both McClure and WNU copyrights together.
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It would seem that the McClure "Why Boys Leave Home" by Joe Archibald was a short-run series. I've been looking over many papers, and it seems to be around only as early as October 1930 and as late as August 1931, Saw only one assigned a date, and it was very out-of-date. I believe though it bears the McClure copyright,it seems intended to be licensed or co-opted for WNU, where it is always found as part of a WNU boilerplate page along with "Girligags", generic Underwood & Underwood non-news photos and the truss and Feen-a-mint ads. Sometimes the feature bears both McClure and WNU copyrights together.