Wednesday, September 17, 2008
News of Yore: The Piffle Family Read The Paper

EDIT 3/29/11: Alex Jay sends samples from the Syracuse Evening Telegram which pretty much conclusively prove that Hon and Dearie and The Piffle Family are names for the same feature; title change seems to have been around November 1922. There was probably no gap in the runs.
Labels: News of Yore
Hello, Allan----I would assume that Callahan's strip OVER HERE / HON AND DEARIE had just been renamed again, as THE PIFFLE FAMILY. In the picture shown, they are all the same characters from the earlier strip. If this PIFFLE promo picture appeared in 9/22, it was probably running somewhere earlier than the given 2/23 date, but where? --Cole Johnson.
Hi Cole -
According to Jeffrey Lindenblatt who indexed the NY Evening Journal the strips stopped and started there on the dates discussed. Could very well be that some other Hearst paper did run it in the interim, or maybe Freddie The Sheik, running at this time, somehow figures into it. Unfortunately Hearst papers in general are very hard to get on microfilm.
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According to Jeffrey Lindenblatt who indexed the NY Evening Journal the strips stopped and started there on the dates discussed. Could very well be that some other Hearst paper did run it in the interim, or maybe Freddie The Sheik, running at this time, somehow figures into it. Unfortunately Hearst papers in general are very hard to get on microfilm.