Saturday, November 08, 2008
Herriman Saturday

Here are Herriman's offerings for May 8 and 9 1907. He's still covering the big Shriner convention. What I find interesting in this whole series of cartoons is that George is having a lot of fun with dialect and wordplay, later a hallmark of his Krazy Kat.
The weird names all over the second cartoon (Zem Zem, Anezeh, Murats, etc.) are various local chapters of the Shriners. The ostrich business, on the other hand, I can't interpret.
Labels: Herriman's LA Examiner Cartoons
Hello, Allan----Back in those days, a big tourist attraction in southern Calofornia were it's ostrich farms, and the visiting shriners no doubt paid a visit. Some farms gave guided tours, let you see the incubators, served lunch, and gave ostrich-powered wagon rides. The need for so many ostriches was, of course, the large demand for their feathers in ladies' hats.-----Cole "Ostrich Lore" Johnson.
Ah, an eggselent eggsplanation. That really took nostrich of the imagination to figure out for such an eggsbird as you I eggsclaim.
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