Sunday, July 14 1907 -- Latest news from the ring world is that Tommy Burns, undisputed American heavyweight champion says "I will fight any man in the world." That naturally leads to the question of whether that 'any man' includes Jack Johnson. Burns will in fact fight Johnson, but it won't happen for a year and a half yet.
Regarding the cartoon's take on the disparate heights of the fighters, it really was a David and Goliath match-up; Johnson was 6 feet tall, Burns was 5' 7".

Sunday, July 14 1907 -- And speaking of David and Goliath ... County assessor Benjamin Ward, taking the David role, faces an LA Board of Supervisors who are in the pockets of local corporations. Seems Ward is trying to tax local big business and neither the corporations, nor their buddies on the board, like the idea one bit. Assessor Ward makes his case before the board despite being denied the legal counsel of the D.A., while a phalanx of corporate lawyers is arrayed against him.
Labels: Herriman's LA Examiner Cartoons
# posted by Allan Holtz @ 8:40 AM