Tuesday, August 25, 2009
News of Yore 1950: New Strip Gets Name Change

UFS Signs 'L'il Folk'
By Jane McMaster (E&P, 7/8/50)
"Li'L Folk," gag-a-day about kids being readied by United Feature Syndicate for early fall
release, is a li'l strip. It's just 1.5 inches deep, and the width is three or four columns, instead of the conventional four or five.
The space bogey had a lot to do with the size, naturally. Syndicate folk point out four columns can be arranged two on two for a panel effect.
Artist is 27-year-old Charles M. Schulz who learned his trade well from an art instruction correspondence course and a few night sketching classes at the School of Art in his native Minneapolis.
He's now an instructor at Art Instruction, Inc., and has made a number of sells to the Saturday Evening Post. He sold "Li'l Folks" (plural then) to the St. Paul Pioneer Press as a weekly feature for two years.
Title Change
(E&P, 9/16/50)
United Feature Syndicate's new gag - a - day about kids by Charles M. Schulz has had a name change from "Li'l Folk" to "Peanuts" due to radio and strip conflicts.
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