A lot of great art still has miniscule bids as I write this. Bargains *gulp* are aplenty. Follow
this link to my auction items which close today.
Super W.E. Hill page, this one about intellectuals. The line work is truly amazing. |
A very rare Billy the Boy Artist original, Ed Payne's 56-year running comic strip from the Boston Globe. |
Ving Fuller Doc Syke originals aren't too hard to come by, but this one features a particularly wonderful gag. From the first year of the strip. |
Great baseball content in this Walter Gallaway drawing from an 1890s issue of Puck. I don't have the caption, but the kids' faces and body language tell you exactly what the gag is! Nicely framed. |
I'm flabbergasted that they put my two F.M. Howarth Puck back-cover gag strips into one lot, but here ya go. Incredible early Howarth. |
Great Jack Kent wordplay gag in this 1962 King Aroo daily. |
The grease-pencil work on this large 1930s Burris Jenkins piece is just superb. Nicely framed, too. |
The irrepressible Joe & Asbestos and their horse-racing tips (to be added on printing day) were loved by the readers of the New York Mirror for decades. |
Stan Drake Sunday Heart of Juliet Jones at the rodeo. Yipee! |
Disney's Ralph Kent gave this special drawing of Mickey as the sorceror's apprentice to Jim Ivey at a late 1970s OrlandoCon. |
Walt Scott's The Little People, a mostly forgotten gem of comic art. |
The Hall-Room Boys, Percy and Ferdie up to their standard goofball social-climbing in this nice 1909 example by Harold MacGill.Find another! |
I have no idea why I had this. A complete Japanese manga story, probably from the mid-1980s I guess. Can anyone translate? |
John T. McCutcheon, the grand old master of the Chicago Tribune editorial cartoonists, ushers in duck hunting season. |
One of my favorite Mr. Oswald gags -- the curse of being a leading citizen. |
A Mr. Oswald chapter heading from the book that made him famous to cartooning lovers. |
The great George Clark shows off his sumptuous brushwork in this The Neighbors panel. |
The classic poker-playing strip, Penny ante (aka Eddie's Friends), a Hearst mainstay. This example signed over to fellow Hearst cartoonist Jimmy Murphy by Jean Knott. |
After J. Carver Pusey's Benny left general syndication, it became an editorial cartoon feature of the Philadelphia Inquirer. In 1942 the state liquor store employees went on strike, prompting this cartoon. |
One of my favorite strips, Rudy by William Overgard. This example features an appearance by Greta Garbo! |
Spuddle's Sport Shoppe, superb example with lots and lots of Russ Johnson's signature details in the backgrounds. |
Colin Allen's little known full tab single-panel Sunday page is even more impressive in this large original. |
The great Zim comments on yellow journalism in the 1890s, with happy newsboys gleefully offering up the latest horrific disaster. |
A very scarce comic book, and the contents are utterly bizarre. An esoteric gem. |
A big batch of TEN Famous Funnies issues, all in a single lot. Great reading! |
Three very rare Canadian comic books, all in a single lot. |
Five issue lot of Hit Comics, featuring one of my favorite characters, Kid Eternity. |
Low grade, but who could resist a comic book titled Hyper Mystery!! |
A set of five lower grade Little Orphan Annie Cupples & Leon books. |
And four higher grade ones -- Bucking The World is particularly nice. |
Kurtzman's Hey Look is the big attraction here, once you've stopped ogling Mitzi. |
Eleven issues of Police Comics in one lot, featuring the wonderful Plastic Man by Jack Cole. I've been surprised at the low bids on these -- is Jack Cole no longer a favorite? |
Three photos above, a group of 15 books; a little bit of everything in this rather random lot. |
A large collection of auction and sales catalogs, mostly for original cartoon art, primarily from the 1970s-1990s. Fascinating reference material, and geez, the cheap prices in those days! |
A collection of six very nice R. Crumb items, featuring the scarce Vues de Sauve portfolio. |
Two photos above show a small sampling from a huge collection of fanzines from the 1960s to 2000s. A treasure-trove of research material. |
Two photos above show a collection of excellent graphic novels, a lot of great reading that will probably go cheap. |
Two photos above -- a big batch of price and collecting guides, plus Richard Lupoff's novel The Comic Book Killer. |
Two photos above -- a collection of cartooning reference books. |
Giant collection of weekly syndicate proof books from King Features. Covers July-August 1996, January-February 1997 and July-December 2001; total of 40 big books. |
A Komic Kamera from the 1930s, complete with Gumps film strip inside. Unusual to see Krazy Kat get important billing on a toy like this. |
Set of United Features proof books. 51 issues, Heritage description says just 2001-2002; I believe this lot is a complete run from October 2001 - October 2002. |
# posted by Allan Holtz @ 8:00 AM