In this week's auction I have on offer some great original art, some big reprint book lots and some valuable comic strip research material. To see all the lots on the Heritage Auctions website,
follow this link.
Here's what's on offer, all auctions ending today. Surely someone wants those great runs of syndicate proof books, no? :
From the great Children's Tales series, the conclusion strip of The Saggy Baggy Elephant of 1968, hand colored art by Frank Bolle based on book art by Gustaf Tenngren |
Buttons and Fatty Sunday page by M.E. "MEB" Brady, this example has been retitled in paste-up for appearance in Famous Funnies. |
My lovely Clare Briggs art has been going shockingly low -- see how cheap you can get this classic 1916 golfing subject (note very minor damage to corner) |
The best of my Heart of Juliet Jones originals is here -- pretty girls and great action in this 1959 Stan Drake Sunday |
The great Syd Hoff placed this gag with the New Yorker in 1972. Classic New Yorker style caption (you'll have to go over there to read it!) |
Pete Hoffman's supple clear line technique on this 1966 Jeff Cobb daily with a good portrait panel of our hero. |
I never figured out if this delightfully wacky Charles M. Payne color splash page ended up in an early Golden Age comic book or not. Eye-popping vivid colors. |
More Spuddle's Sport Shop pages by Russ Johnson are going on the block, and they're both super examples. Oh, the headaches of being a retailer. |
Two Jimmy Swinnerton special drawings in one lot. The subject matter of the top one would seem to date it to 1918, but both appear to be much earlier vintage Swinnerton to me. Both great images, though. |
Two Take It Easy Pop strips by the great old-timer Charles M. Payne, late in his life when he'd got a bit weird but still wonderful. Don't know where these appeared. Remember kids, THINK! |
Here's Mort Walker way back when he was drawing for the college Showme magazine in 1948. His early style is pretty much fully formed here. | | | |
A huge run of the ultra-rare NEA Comic Weekly, with Alley Oop, Robotman and all the rest of the NEA strips. Represents the years 1996-2000; Heritage counted 160 issues, but I've asked them to recheck as there should be well over 200 in an almost perfect run. |
Run of the ultra-rare United Features Comics weekly syndicate books from 2000-2002. Heritage counts 119 issues in this lot, and it should be a pretty complete run. |
State library official photocopy of the 1951 New York Committee Report on the evils of comic books. This is the report that started Fredric Wertham well on his road to federal hearings. The illustrations are not to be believed -- the things these people 'saw' in the backgrounds of comic panels -- sheesh! |
Massive collection of 82 Gladstone Carl Barks Library books, some still in shrinkwrap, and most still containing their trading card inserts. Instant collection of these originally rather expensive items. |
Set of 1-23 and 25 of the Kitchen Sink Li'l Abner library in softcover. What happened to #24 I wonder. Oh well, that was a bad year for Abner anyway. |
# posted by Allan Holtz @ 8:00 AM