Monday, March 28, 2022


Obscurity of the Day: Grandpa's Story


Grandpa's Story by Mark Fenderson ran three times, on February 2, 16 and 23rd 1902* (first and last shown above). It offers a slightly out of the ordinary perspective on animal strips, starring a bear who tells tales of his younger exploits to the grandkids. 

I'd wonder why Fenderson didn't stick with this series longer, but not only were long running series uncommon in these early comics sections, but Fenderson in particular didn't seem to like to tie himself down to the same idea each week. Nonetheless, I think in this case there was a richer vein to mine in Grandpa's Story, and it's too bad Fenderson dropped it after a mere three episodes. 

* Source: New York Press

These are wonderful! Too bad, indeed, that he did so few. By the way, may we see the third one? This strip has huge potential, which is, alas, forever untapped. I wish I'd thought of it myself.
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