Friday, August 07, 2009


The Stripper's Guide Super-Quiz Day 10

Last day of the super-quiz! How have you done? Here's a few really murderous ones to finish out. Mega bonus points for correct answers!

1. Cartoonists don't usually come out of the womb with a syndicate contract in hand. Here are some odd jobs that cartoonists claimed to have before they became successful in the toon profession. Which cartoonist was a bus driver (and proudly proclaimed so on his feature)? Who was a glass blower? Who was half of a husband-and-wife vaudeville dancing team? Who was a reporter for the Wall Street Journal? Who was a Yellowstone Park tour guide?

2. Margaret Mitchell of "Gone With The Wind" fame reportedly considered taking on the writing duties of what new strip of 1953?

3. Which American newspaper is responsible for the very first four-color printing on newsprint using a high speed newspaper press? Which newspaper was second? And which cartoonist was instrumental in inventing the new process?

4. A successful comic strip is bound to inspire imitators. Some take it too far, though. The success of Foxy Grandpa inspired a certain newspaper to bring out an imitation called ... Foxy Grandpa. Which newspaper was it that apparently never heard of the concept of plagiarism?

5. Socialism and fashionable clothing don't seem to mix. But mix they did in a fashion strip that ran in the Daily Worker. What was the title of the strip?


Really hard questions.
But let try for this last time:

2-THE HEART OF JULIET JONES (but M. Mitchell died in '49...)
3-New York World + New York Journal American + R.F. Outcault?
#5 = Modish Mitzi
Worthy of an Obscurity of the Day posting a few years ago:
Thanks for the link - it appears the strip name was "Comrade Kitty"
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Thursday, August 06, 2009


The Stripper's Guide Super-Quiz Day 9

1. Here are the titles of some Sunday topper strips; name the main strip they were paired with: Jungle Bedtime Stories, That Phoney Nickel, Zoolie, Li'l Ole Orvie, Public Enemies Through The Ages.

2. President Eisenhower had a favorite newspaper strip, one whose fortunes were flagging by the fifties. What strip got a major short in the arm when Eisenhower's preference was publicized?

3. Many of the fabricated factoids about comic strip history came from the memoirs of this syndicate head, including the reason the Yellow Kid was yellow. Who was it and what was the book?

4. A certain TV show starred a character who was the cartoonist on a comic strip about a bovine hero. What was the title of the strip and what was the TV show?

5. Lots of comic strip characters have marketing tie-ins. But which cartoonist was himself memorialized as a brand of tobacco?




3-Moses Koenigsberg + King News: An Autobiography


5-Clare Briggs
4. The TV show was "Too Close For Comfort" (starring Ted Knight) and the character was Cosmic Cow.
Zoolie = Reg'lar Fellers
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Wednesday, August 05, 2009


The Stripper's Guide Super-Quiz Day 8

1. A certain popular comic strip that ran from the 1960s to 80s starred characters who had a serious identity crisis. After living for the better part of two decades as mice, one fine Monday morning readers opened their papers to find the characters were now humans. What was the strip?

2. Famous people have lent their names, if not necessarily their writing talents, to quite a few features over the years. Name the features bylined by writer Ring Lardner, aviator Eddie Rickenbacker, political columnist Drew Pearson, comedienne Phyllis Diller and ballplayer Tug McGraw.

3. The writer of a long-running adventure strip moonlighted in the unlikely position of Standard Oil executive. Who was this captain of industry and what was his strip?

4. A famous comic book team created a newspaper feature in 1948 featuring a superhero whose secret identity was Larry Davis. What was the feature? For bonus points, what very odd change occurred in the strip after it had been running for eight months?

5. Many cartoonists who self-syndicate their work adopt company names to make editors think they have a 'real' syndicate. Among them are Red Rose Studios, Royal Features and Corinthian Features. Name the cartoonist behind each syndicate and the feature(s) each was self-syndicating.


4-FUNNYMAN (the main character in the strip became Reggie Van Twerp)
5-??? + ??? + CONCHY by Jim Childless
From an earlier Stripper's Guide posting:
"[Frank V.]Martinek is creator of "Don Winslow of the Navy," daily strip. Cartooning is an avocation with Martinek, who is assistant vice-president of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana."
Allan - I wanted to e-mail this link to you, but had my e-mail bounce back at me. It's video of the Chicago Tribune cartoonists of 1931 (Harold Gray, Frank King, etc.) which I edited out of a 1/2 hour silent promotional film called "Trees to Tribunes," which traces the story of newspaper production from the lumberjack to the newspaper boy. The highlight of this excerpt to me is Frank King with his brother-in-law, the original for "Walt Wallet."
1. Eek & Meek by Howie Schneider. And it ran until 2000.

5. Corinthian Features was the name used for Conchy's self-syndication.
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Tuesday, August 04, 2009


The Stripper's Guide Super-Quiz Day 7

1. A certain long-running strip finished up its quarter-century of syndication titled Up Anchor. What two other titles preceded that one on the strip?

2. A strip currently in syndication has the distinction of most likely being the only strip created by an atomic physicist. Who is it, and what are the two names that the feature has gone by over the years?

3. Which comic strip made headlines in the 40s when the story took on the subject of alcoholism?

4. Milton Caniff worked at the AP Syndicate before he hit the bigtime with Terry and the Pirates. Among the scut work he did at AP was illustrating a painfully awful little one-column feature starring an animal. What was the name of the feature? For bonus points, which well-known cartoonist originated the feature? And for even more bonus points, who was the well-known final cartoonist on the feature?

5. What is the title of the first sustained true daily newspaper comic strip? This should be a cakewalk for Hogan's Alley readers.


1. Mitzi McCoy, then Kevin the Bold
5. "The Importance of Mister Peewee"
With a little retard:

4-PUFFY THE PIG (Don Flowers)
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Monday, August 03, 2009


The Stripper's Guide Super-Quiz Day 6

1. Which two old-time animated cartoon characters were revived and paired up in a 1980s comic strip?

2. Humphrey Bogart's first movie kiss came from the luscious lips of which actress, and with which comic strip character was she closely identified?

3. In the 1960s the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning started to be awarded for the sum of the cartoonist's work during the year. Before then, when it was always given for a specific cartoon, which famed cartoonist won the prize for a cartoon that was almost certainly ghosted by his assistant?

4. Wash Tubbs cartoonist Roy Crane felt it was time for his salary to be upped in 1927. When he asked the syndicate for a raise they said no. They did make him an offer that would boost his pay though. He took it. What was the offer?

5. The McNaught Syndicate was a major player in comic strips for over 60 years, but the name of the company was a bit of whimsy. Who were the two fellows who founded the syndicate and gave it the in-joke name?


1. Betty Boop and Felix the Cat
2-Helen Heyes / Betty Boop?
4-They offered him to do a WASH TUBBS Sunday feature (that was OUT OUR WAY topper)
5-Virgil McNitt + Charles McAdam
2 - Joan Woodbury/Brenda Starr

Fun stuff
3 - Walt Kelly?
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Sunday, August 02, 2009


Jim Ivey's Sunday Comics

Jim Ivey's new book, Graphic Shorthand, is available from for $19.95 plus shipping, or you can order direct from Ivey for $25 postpaid. Jim Ivey teaches the fundamentals of cartooning in his own inimitable style. The book is 128 pages, coil-bound. Send your order to:

Jim Ivey
5840 Dahlia Dr. #7
Orlando FL 32807

Also still available, Jim Ivey's career retrospective Cartoons I Liked, available on or direct from Jim Ivey for $20 postpaid. When ordered from Ivey direct, either book will include an original Ivey sketch.


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Saturday, August 01, 2009


The Stripper's Guide Super-Quiz: Week 1 Answers

Monday, Day 1:
1. Laredo Crockett and Jane Arden.
2. Crawford.
3. Bill Blackbeard. It was measured in semi-truckloads.
4. George Clark.
5. Little Pedro.

Tuesday, Day 2:
1.Thimble Theatre (or Popeye), the controvery was over some strips with an abortion theme.
2. Ethelbert and Giggs.
3. Frank Miller, all three of 'em.
4. Stanley Link did the strip as a topper to Tiny Tim.
5. Health Capsules and Ticker Toons.

Wednesday, Day 3:
1. Alley Oop, Hairbreadth Harry, Harold Teen and Tumbleweeds.
2. Newspaper Enterprise Association.
3. The Nebbs.
4. Says Who, a photo-comic or fumetti feature.
5. Stewart Carothers. Segar took over his Charlie Chaplin's Comic Capers strip. Frank Willard also filled in.

Thursday, Day 4:
1. The editor was Joseph Medill Patterson, the cartoonist Harold Gray and the strip Little Orphan Annie.
2. Thoughts of Man.
3. Hugo Hercules.
4. The Sporting News.
5. Rod Rian of the Sky Police.

Friday, Day 5:
1. The strip was smaller than normal -- they sold it as a space-saver.
2. Ripley's Believe It or Not.
3. Al Capp. The column was syndicated by the New York Herald-Tribune Syndicate.
4. They were 'lucky numbers', numbers that would supposedly be winners in the 'numbers games' that were popular in ethnic neighborhoods of many cities.
5. First School Days, then Nipper.


More then 70% (plus a bonus and some answer alf correct).
A good result, I'd say.
I'm going to have to object to Echo being Tumbleweeds' girlfriend, that honor should be placed on Hildegard Hamhocker's shoulders. After all those years she has earned it.
As for Echo, while she may have delusions about Tumbleweeds (as does Hildegard), she is but a child and naming her as Tumbleweeds girlfriend gets him into some mighty strange territory (and Grimy Gulch is strange enough already).
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