Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Obscurity of the Day: O. Henry's Short Stories

Well, here's a good test to see whether my scans will show up large enough on the blog. The original scan is plenty large enough to read, but is it here...? This is a sample strip from a very short-lived series from 1928. Syndicated by McClure, it features good art by John Hix, who later went on to considerable success with his "Strange As It Seems" feature. "Strange As It Seems" was a blatant copy of Ripley's "Believe It Or Not", but Hix injected enough of his own personality to make it his own. Strips that adapt popular novels have been tried many times in the history of comic strips, seldom with any great measure of commercial success.
EDIT: OK, turns out the image on this page is small, but if you click on the image it will show up full size in its own window. Glad we've got that straightened out.
Labels: Obscurities