Thursday, August 24, 2006
Obscurity of the Day: May and Junie

Here's the last of the Graphic Syndicate strips that I scanned. This one, called May and Junie (aka May and June), features the usual pretty girls. The story here are the creators. The originator was Harold MacGill, a very important guy in the history of comics, as you well know if you are a Hogan's Alley reader. This was MacGill's last known strip, and he didn't keep at it long. The strip began sometime in 1926, and he was gone by mid-1927, if not earlier. Taking over was someone who signed the strip 'Pat', when they signed it at all. Pat is the cartoonist on our sample today. Pat wasn't much of a cartoonist, but s/he kept it going for about another year. The final cartoonist to draw the gals was Gladys (Mopsy) Parker in her first known syndicate credit. She didn't last long, perhaps little more than a month or two, before the strip ended on March 3 1928.
Labels: Obscurities