Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year from Uncle Mun

I got going on that Grosse Pointe stuff yesterday and plum forgot that I had a special new year's strip for you. And it is a plum indeed. Uncle Mun was by Fred Nankivel and ran in the New York Herald from January 2 1910 to August 24 1913. Our sample today was printed on New Year's Day 1911. The art on Uncle Mun was gorgeous and a fitting bookend for the Herald's other flagship strip, Little Nemo.
Labels: Obscurities
Uncle Mun: what a delight! Your blog is one of my favourite places on the Net. Thanks for all the fun and curiosities in '06, and here's to more in '07.
I'm Frank Nankivell's grandaughter. Uncle Mun was drawn by Fred Nankivel, not Frank. It sure is funny (punny!) though!
Right you are, Jody! Guess the art was so good, much more in line with Frank than Fred, that I just typed it without thinking. Thanks for catching it.
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