Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Obscurity of the Day: Alma & Oliver

Ah, now here we have the real goodies! Alma & Oliver is by all reports George McManus' very first continuing comic strip. I've been looking for a sample of this strip for years now without any luck. Cole Johnson to the rescue!
Though the strip is mentioned in practically every cartoon history ever written I was beginning to think it never actually existed, much like the oft-mentioned Swinnerton's "Little Bears and Tigers" which just turned out to be a misheard reference to Little Bears and Tykes. These same cartoon histories usually cite Alma & Oliver as running in 1900, but Cole informs me that this is definitely not the case. He cites running dates of September 28 1902 to April 12 1903. Swift-thinking blog readers will already realize that makes Alma & Oliver McManus' second strip -- Burglar Pete turns out to be his very first! At least 'tis so until Cole comes across with some other undocumented rarity!
By the way, this strip is a great example of needing to see samples. I always assumed, and I think some histories may even indicate, that the titular Alma was a woman. Given McManus' minor fame in St. Louis for his Gibsonesque glamor girl drawings it seemed a reasonable assumption that his first strip would feature a pretty gal. Not so, not so!
Labels: Obscurities
Hi furblis -
Sorry but Cole didn't give me the specific dates on the samples. Cole, could you tell us the dates?
Sorry but Cole didn't give me the specific dates on the samples. Cole, could you tell us the dates?
Hello Allan, and Hello Furballs-I mean Furbils- The dates are---- Burglar Pete: 8-24-02, Gay Boys: "Rats" 9-7-02, "Love Feast" 3-8-03. Alma & Oliver:"Politicians" 11-16-02, "Trouble Again" 3-15-03. Cole Johnson.
Republic comics shown
Burglar Pete 8-24-02
Gay boys "Rats" 9-7-02
"Love Feast" 3-8-03
Alma & Oliver "Politicians" ll-16-02
"Trouble Again" 3-15-03
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Burglar Pete 8-24-02
Gay boys "Rats" 9-7-02
"Love Feast" 3-8-03
Alma & Oliver "Politicians" ll-16-02
"Trouble Again" 3-15-03