Thursday, October 30, 2008
Obscurity of the Day: The Clownies

The Clownies seems to have started sometime in 1931 (earliest I've found is October 11 but take that as a start date at your peril) as a sort of Sunday adjunct to the daily kiddie story feature The Tinymites. Both The Clownies and The Tinymites were being produced by writer Hal Cochran and cartoonist Joe King at the time. The Clownies started off as a full page feature without a topper, but gained a half-page companion called Animal Cracks sometime around mid-1932.
Joe King's art was serviceable but The Clownies turned into a real graphic knockout in April 1933 when the fabulous George Scarbo took over the art chores. Scarbo was a real workhorse of the NEA bullpen, but he lavished great attention on The Clownies and Animal Cracks when he took over. I apologize that the only sample I had in reach for this essay was a Joe King production, so you'll have to take my word for the quality of Scarbo's work on the feature -- it is definitely worth seeking out.
Scarbo also brought new life to the activity panel Comic Zoo that ran as a sub-sub-feature of Animal Cracks. Whereas Joe King usually produced uninspired panels like the one above, Scarbo's version of the panel was so delightful that it survived the end of The Clownies page (my latest is June 25 1933) . Comic Zoo was brought back in 1936 as the topper to the Out Our Way Sunday, and Scarbo produced that delightful feature for almost thirty years more.
As you can tell by all the prevarication above, I'd be more than delighted to hear from anyone who can supply more definitive running dates for this feature and its topper.
Labels: Obscurities
My name is Robert Johnson I have artwork by George scarbo from 1912 in 1919 World Series with the famous baseball greats Babe Ruth George Whiteman rube McGuire Arthur Fletcher Travis speaker J Franklin Baker and the manager Connie Mack Philadelphia Athletics winning the World Series from the New York Giants
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