Monday, March 09, 2009
Obscurity of the Day: The Wonder-Girl's Diary

The Wonder-Girl's Diary was Michelson't first comic strip work at Hearst, executed shortly after he switched over from the World. As far as I know from the index done by others, it did not run on Michelson's home turf at the New York American. I can only report that it ran sporadically in Hearst's LA Examiner from March 11 to May 28 1909.
Michelson went on to greater fame in the art world, first as a movie poster artist in the 1920s, then fine art for the rest of his life. Michelson died in 1964.
Labels: Obscurities
This is uncannily similar to the character known as "Different With Boys", played by Arabella Weir in the British comedy series The Fast Show (retitled Brilliant! for the US). In fact, the words in the last frame could almost be from a Fast Show script.
From the Fast Show character guide at
Different With Boys, who acts in harsh and professional, "no-nonsense" way in front of female friends and colleagues but transforms into a giggling, ditzy, stereotypical "bimbo" whenever she is introduced to a man.
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From the Fast Show character guide at
Different With Boys, who acts in harsh and professional, "no-nonsense" way in front of female friends and colleagues but transforms into a giggling, ditzy, stereotypical "bimbo" whenever she is introduced to a man.