Thursday, March 26, 2009
Obscurity of the Day: The Yarns of Captain Fibb

Here's our fourth and final feature from the 1909 go-round of the Judge syndicate. The Yarns of Captain Fibb was a product from the fruitful pen of Charles W. Kahles, a guy who seemed to have a feature with every syndicate, big or small.
I'm told by Cole Johnson that the Kahles strip was contemporary material in Judge. Whereas the Nervy Nats were circa 1904, the Verbeck strips 1901-02, Captain Fibb was running in Judge in 1909.
The Yarns of Captain Fibb made it through the entire Public Ledger run, from May 2 to September 5 1909.
That does it for the 1909 Judge syndicate, and thanks once again to Cole Johnson for sharing this rare material with us. One final plea to you blog readers -- if you know of any other newspaper that ran this material I'd really like to hear from you.
Labels: Obscurities
It's been said reprints of Capatain Fibb were seen in Sweden, inspiring pioneer animator Bergdahl to create the character "Kapten Grogg" for the Svenska Biograph. Several titles were made from about 1916-22.
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