Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Obscurity of the Day: Leonardo

Leonardo looked like it had a chance at being a real winner. The highly stylized, sophisticated art instantly grabs your attention; a real standout on the comics page. The plot is a slight updating of Wizard of Id -- where that strip had a medieval backdrop, Leonardo moves us up to the Renaissance, but both strips often have their characters acting as if they are in today's world.
Leonardo's gags are quintessential 70's, and are the only weakness of the strip (though a rather important one). Like many other features of the day the subjects of women's lib, disco, dieting, fashion and such are overused, and this feature does little to spice them with any originality.
The strip was the creation of Phil Collins, who despite being a superb cartoonist seems to have popped out of nowhere to do this feature, and then just as quickly disappeared once more. I guess he found his musical career in Genesis more rewarding (kidding). If anyone knows anything about our mystery cartoonist please share!
Labels: Obscurities
I am looking for a comic that I saw around 1990 that was titled "HamCat" subtitle: "Because cats love ham and kids love finding them in it." It included I thnk 6 illustrations of how to wrap a cat in ham slices and the final one of the kids unrolling it. It was one of the funniest things and have been trying to find it an cannot.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for any help.
Hello, bman4-----This sounds like the 1980's B.Kliban Cat feature the Register & Tribune syndicated. ---Cole Johnson
Thanks for sharing this Leonardo strip; very interesting. Phil Collins artwork (especially his women) reminds me of the art on Bullwinkle & Rocky.
Thanks for sharing this Leonardo strip; very interesting. Phil Collins artwork (especially his women) reminds me of the art on Bullwinkle & Rocky.
I am Phil Collins daughter, my Dad died Oct. 2018. And yes he did pursue his musical career after the strip ended, on the keyboards. Great review, thankyou, he would have agreed with it as do I.
Cindy Collins
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Cindy Collins