Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Obscurity of the Day: The Orbits

The strip was by Bill Juhre, who was coming off a modestly successful five-year run as the artist on Draftie, a strip about a couple of soldiers. Draftie had tried to adapt to a post-war world but newspaper editors had a lot of wartime strips trying the same gambit and Draftie was one of the features that didn't make the cut.
The Orbits may well have been intended as a drop-in replacement for Draftie (which, by the way, was named Lem and Oinie in its last few years). Both strips were syndicated by the John F. Dille Company. I don't have a definite starting date for The Orbits, but I wouldn't be surprised if it debuted the day after Lem and Oinie ended on May 4 1946. I do know that early on the strip was titled The Orbit Family, and the shortened version of the title followed quite early on.
The Orbits ran daily and Sunday until May 31 1953 in what seems like a very respectable seven-year run. However, you find the strip appearing in very few papers throughout that time, and usually it ran in third- and fourth-string papers in big cities -- the guys who had to pick over comic strip crumbs in the days of territory exclusivity contracts.
Labels: Obscurities
Hi Fortunato --
Alberto Becattini cites Juhre doing assist work on the Buck Rogers Sunday 1957-58.
Best, Allan
Alberto Becattini cites Juhre doing assist work on the Buck Rogers Sunday 1957-58.
Best, Allan
Might have, dunno. Most of mine come from the famously cheapskate comic section of the Boston Globe.
I don't think I saw it noted here that E&P is about to reach a finale after 125 years.
"Readers express shock"
"Readers express shock"
I always associate Juhre with the "Tarzan" strip, although as an assistant or ghost he seems to have been everywhere.
The Orbits was a regular in the Boston Globe. bill Juhr was a ham-radio enthusiast, and often featured it in the strip. He used his own call sign, W9IMQ as the call sign of Mr. Orbit.
There was a Bill Juhre working with Mort Walker as staff artist on the Missouri Showme in 1949. Does anyone know if he was related to this Bill Juhre?
I have an original daily, Laura. I bought it at auction some years ago, without knowing the artist or even the name of the strip, In fact, I just found out about ill Juhre a few minutes ago. I posted the piece earlier tonight on a Facebook discussion group called "Hogan's Alley," if you want to join and check it out!
Bill Juhre is my great grandfather. Orbitz was a regular strip in the Green Bay Press Gazette, and he drew inspiration from life with his wife Grace and my grandmother and her siblings.
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